Terry McAuliffe Can’t Stop Lying About Kids with Covid: WaPo Hammers Him with 4 Pinocchios – IOTW Report

Terry McAuliffe Can’t Stop Lying About Kids with Covid: WaPo Hammers Him with 4 Pinocchios

Trending Politics- We’re less than a week away from the Virginia governor’s election, and Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe can’t stop lying about kids with Covid. The latest example of the former governor and DNC chair ginning up Covid panic to carry his flagging campaign is even more egregious than his latest misstatements.

McAuliffe appeared on WSLS-TV for an interview and unleashed a litany of lies and distortion about the hot button topic that it takes the informed citizen’s breath away.

“We just came out of a round table where we were talking about vaccinating versus not vaccinating. You had a number of medical professionals. What’s your takeaway from today’s discussion?” the ‘reporter’ asked.

“It was a little frightening to hear the conversation,” McAuliffe said. “Today in Virginia, we have 1,542 children in ICU beds somewhere throughout the Commonwealth, two children under the age of 11 died the other day. But the head of infectious diseases for the University of Virginia Medical Center was telling me we’re going to live with this for another two years, but he also said the most important thing everybody can do is get vaccinated and wear masks. And that’s a big difference in this race.” more

4 Comments on Terry McAuliffe Can’t Stop Lying About Kids with Covid: WaPo Hammers Him with 4 Pinocchios

  1. Terry McAwful: A self-serving, hornswaggling, double-dealing, four-flushing, power hungry, money grubbing, influence pedaling, rat-fcuking, pig-eyed, lying disingenuous democRAT!


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