Tesla CEO Elon Musk mocks UAW, slams union over corruption – IOTW Report

Tesla CEO Elon Musk mocks UAW, slams union over corruption


Tesla CEO Elon Musk — the world’s wealthiest man — mocked the United Auto Workers union, one of the largest labor groups in the country, over corruption allegations that have plagued the organization for years.

“New UAW slogan: ‘Fighting for their right to steal money from workers!’” Musk tweeted Wednesday.

Musk’s remark came in response to an article detailing charges brought earlier Wednesday by federal prosecutors against Tim Edmunds, a former UAW official in Michigan, who allegedly embezzled millions of dollars and spent it on “gambling, guns and cars.”

Edmunds is the 16th person charged in the sprawling corruption scandal that’s plagued the UAW in recent years.

Brian Rothenberg, a union spokesman, pushed back on Musk’s characterization of the UAW, saying that it was the union’s own internal auditors who rooted out the allegations against Edmunds. more

13 Comments on Tesla CEO Elon Musk mocks UAW, slams union over corruption

  1. Think about this:

    A useless UAW/CAW (canuckistan) worker makes more money per hour than the poor mechanics that have to fix the SHIT that they make.

    Furthermore, every time you buy a “big 3” shitbox you are paying all the legacy pensions which are “Defined Benefit” not “Defined contribution”

    Shit Boxes – Even Ford should be ashamed of the Eco-Blast valve sooting turbo fouling engines they force on us.

    My fleet is a V-8. I burn a bit more fuel but have 286k, 179K, 189K on each Coyote basic 5.O Litre

  2. DavidW

    Pigs, If they are smart, study the institutions for about a year and then slowly start scamming.
    After a few years they get so emboldened that they do it constantly and assume it is their “Entitlement”

    Teamsters are on the dock by the way, so ONCE AGAIN,

    Fuck Off, Work 3 shift a day, 2 on Saturday, & 1 on Sunday AND:


  3. kcir – I’ve had 302’s, 5.0 HO’s and was thankful and lucky to get a ’14 low mileage f150 before the $ spike in pickups… A glorious day when i saw that shitty dodge i had go down the road.

    I swear by them.

  4. Charlie Walksonwater

    We have a 2011, & 2-2014’s as well as 1-E-250 van. HVAC service

    Change the Oil often, and I think you are lucky to get the last year of the Steel Body panels.

    My best friend switches every 2 years so he really is not a good reference to ask on the Aluminum. Computer programmer so he really just buys them for the Image etc.

  5. My uncle, aunt & grandmother were all UAW union members. I remember growing up going to my grandparents house for Sunday dinner & all they could talk about was “the plant” & how shitty “the shirts & ties” treated them. There was always a strike in the near future over some perceived slight. After he retired, my uncle now calls his former union heroes the Unbelieveably Apathetic Weasels.

  6. Best thing I ever did, in the workforce, was leave CWA and become non-union staff somewhere else.

    I got a 20,000 dollar a year raise from Friday night to Monday morning. And that was just the beginning.

    CWA did a good job in the early years of my employment with them. They squashed beggars and retards. But something bad happened when Bell became Verizon. Suddenly CWA championed beggars and retards.

  7. running neck to neck in massive widespread corruption, theft, and fraud are the teachers unions, boards, and organizations which are all collaborators with the vile baggy-eyed grasping toad george soros.


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