Tesla Continues Wave of SolarCity Layoffs – IOTW Report

Tesla Continues Wave of SolarCity Layoffs

Breitbart: Tesla has fired more than 200 additional employees from their SolarCity subsidiary, some of which claim that performance reviews never took place.

CNBC reports that following a number of dismissals at Tesla Inc.’s motor division earlier this month following the recall of approximately 11,000 Model X SUV’s, firings at Tesla subsidiary SolarCity are continuing, but some employees are claiming that they never received performance reviews. Tesla previously announced plans to lay off approximately 205 SolarCity employees at its office in Roseville, California, by October but in the last two weeks, employees across the country have been let go.

According to two former SolarCity employees, the entire Roseville office is being shut down, however, a Tesla spokesperson told CNBC that the office would be remaining open with approximately 50 full-time employees operating at the location. In March of 2015, SolarCity stated that they employed approximately 450 employees at the Roseville location and planned to add 300 more.


12 Comments on Tesla Continues Wave of SolarCity Layoffs

  1. Solar City, PVD tech. A dangerous game if you’re a manufacturer. Particularly when you realize there’s been zero advancement in this technology for 10 years. Probably due to government subsidies.

  2. ‘alternative’ energy in the form of solar & wind power are the biggest scams ever perpetuated on the human race … besides global warming, global cooling climate change

    … wish I would’ve gotten in on the ground floor of this scam … I’d be rich as AlGore by now

  3. Musk ‘boldly’ bought SolarCity with Tesla stock, making many investors very happy but necessarily to cover up his brother’s shenanigans. The Model 3 is going to break the company, both financially and as it becomes clear that Elon simply isn’t a magician, can’t produce a car like that for the money he is charging and actually pay his bills.
    The Teslas are very capable cars – the top end Model S is the fastest commercial production vehicle ever made, faster than any Ferrari. They have a lot going for them. But they are not capable of being profitable.

  4. Let’s talk Tankless Water heaters. Also subsidized. Although not nearly to the extent of solar panels. We just blew our 75 gallon tanked water heater after 9 years in this house. It’s a record. Normally we’re in a house for a couple years and gone. So we decide we should look into tankless water heater. Went to Lowes. What a joke. went to Home Depot. A bigger joke. So I call a local plumber who specializes in installs of Tankless water heaters. He asks me a serious of questions. Seems legit. He then informs me well, they need a 5 inch vent through your roof instead of the normal 3 inch for a tanked water heater and we would need to call out a contractor to get this done. Me, “we are in luck, the existing 75 gallon water heater used a 5 inch vent”. Silence. Well how do you know? Dude, I’m a fucking machinist. “Well, I’m not sure we can help you.”
    What a fucking racket.

  5. @Dan, Fast, let’s see them run at Le Mans?
    Meh, it’s a rich mans toy.
    Elon Musk is a profiteer who never met a technology he didn’t steal.
    No more O’Baja money, sucks to be you Elon.

  6. Tankless is a good product imo. We installed 2. Our plumber didn’t have a problem doing it. Used the same vents as the old water tanks. Those tanks only last about 10 years and we like the endless hot water of the tankless. Now when you build a house, they are installed on the outside inset into the brick and there is no vent through the roof. It is the way to go.

  7. Solar City used to have salesmen in Home Depot. Told him I wasn’t interested because after the elections his company was going to lose their government subsidies and go bankrupt. His rimless glasses fogged up, steam came out of his nostrils, he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists so tight he came close to stroking out. Never saw him again.

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