Tesla Must Raise Another $1.5 Billion To Bankroll Model 3 Production – IOTW Report

Tesla Must Raise Another $1.5 Billion To Bankroll Model 3 Production

Oh the poor poor poor man.
Things have been tough for Musk since 0bama left, haven’t they?

DailyCaller: Tesla officials said Monday that the electric vehicle maker plans on scraping together $1.5 billion dollars through the bond market to fund production on the inexpensive Model 3.

The company’s debut in the junk-bond market marks a first for the cash-strapped Model 3 maker. The debt offering could further tarnish Tesla’s already battered financial image, because the junk bond markets are usually littered with companies that are less creditworthy and add debt faster than they can accumulate profits.

Tesla hopes the Model 3, which debuted at the end of July, becomes a trendsetting and profitable vehicle capable of rocketing the Silicon Valley company atop the electric vehicle industry for years to come. Pre-orders for the small sedan have already surpassed half a million, even as customers have started bailing on the vehicle.  more

15 Comments on Tesla Must Raise Another $1.5 Billion To Bankroll Model 3 Production

  1. I can’t keep all these billionaires straight…isn’t Musk the one who is spending huge sums drilling tunnels and building rocket ships to mars? Let him spend his own money to finance his stupid cars for a change, and give the taxpayers a break.

  2. Plug-in hybrid is the way to go IMHO. I got one a few months ago. Much cheaper and more reliable than the Telsa, but it runs in electric and hybrid mode with a 14 gallon gas tank. Cost to charge the battery up at home is about .80/day and we have free charging station at work. Right now I am putting gas in my car roughly every 6 weeks. Saving me about $125 between fill-ups and even with using electric at home will still save estimated $1000 year in gas.

    Plus, as I’ve said before I’ll say again, I love sticking it to the work place libs who cry about global warming but love driving those SUVs. When they’ve said I must have had a change of heart because I bought a a electric/hybrid, I laugh. I say screw the environment, I did it to save money on gas. LOL

  3. Sounds like the serfs need to pony up, again.

    Well, President Trump?
    Well, Speaker Ryan?
    Well, Majority Leader McConnell?

    Hey Musk! Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Part of the problem for Musk and Tesla is the cancellation of government subsidies and tax breaks for the purchase of the cars. I gather Sweden, Norway and some others have stopped and when they announced the cancellation sales and orders for Tesla cars dropped 95% practically overnight. Tesla has been on the government teat for years now, well past the time for the tech and the product to prove itself. If the US Federal government decided to stop all the subsidies then it would be down to State only and sales would collapse in the US and it would likely mean the end of Tesla. That’s not a bad thing as it opens the market to someone else with a better idea and product without a Federal crutch.

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