Texas: Abbott Beats Beta – IOTW Report

Texas: Abbott Beats Beta

15 Comments on Texas: Abbott Beats Beta

  1. One of our neighbours has a Beto sign and I’ve seen maybe 2 or 3 others around here. Haven’t seen any Abbott signs so I just assumed everyone else was voting for him and didn’t need the signs! Turns out I was right, LOL!

  2. I hate that (because I’m not a US Citizen and my immigration status is pending) I can’t vote! This is the first time ever in my adult life that I haven’t voted in an election being held where I live.

  3. There must be money is losing.
    Robert F. (Beano) O’Rourke has figured out a grift.
    Probably pockets the “donations” after the loss.

    No doubt he’ll be running again.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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