Texas AG challenger George P. Bush: Herald of Trump-Bush dynastic alliance? Or RINO in MAGA garb? – IOTW Report

Texas AG challenger George P. Bush: Herald of Trump-Bush dynastic alliance? Or RINO in MAGA garb?

Just The News-

In the race for the 2022 GOP nomination to be the attorney general of Texas, the incumbent is being investigated by the state bar association — and it may not hurt him. His main opponent is the grandson of one president who called Texas home and the nephew of another — and it may not help him.

The incumbent attorney general is Ken Paxton, and his challenger is Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush (son of Jeb, nephew of George W, grandson of H.W.).

Republican strategist Jeff Roe calls the looming showdown between the two “the Holy War of Texas.”

“We haven’t seen a battle like this since the siege at the Alamo,” Roe, who ran Sen. Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential campaign, told Politico.

Paxton is a loyal Trump supporter and minor MAGA star, thanks to his role as an architect of a multistate legal effort to prevent the certification of the 2020 presidential election. He is facing a number of public scandals, including a 5-year-old indictment for securities fraud and an FBI investigation for corruption, which led to, among other things, the abrupt firing of some of Paxton’s top aides last year. more here

30 Comments on Texas AG challenger George P. Bush: Herald of Trump-Bush dynastic alliance? Or RINO in MAGA garb?

  1. The Bushs’ are pro illegal invasion. That’s all you need to know and I was a big supporter after 9-11 of “…they’re going to hear from all of us…”

  2. It could be a case of “Hold your friends close, and your enemies closer”, for both Jeb and Trump, depending on what Trump does. But I think Trump will stick with Paxton.

  3. Prescott Bush sold oil to Hitler and staged a failed coup against FDR.

    George H.W. Bush just happened to be in a Dallas suburb when JFK was assassinated while working for the CIA.

    George W. Bush led us into forever wars.

    No Bush should ever be trusted in office again.

  4. It was GHWB that popped the cork on the NWO in these United States; look how well that’s worked out for Us…. I would trust a rattlesnake in my shirt not to bite me before I would trust anyone from that line.

  5. We have a class act AG fighting not only for Texas but that lead the scotus state challenge. This Bush tried to destroy the Alamo as Land Commissioner. I don’t care if he tattoos Trump on his forehead – doesn’t make him a patriot.

  6. If there’s a doubt, count him out. Trust but verify is caca. Compassionate conservatism is also caca.

    Registered @ 18 as an Independent under Reagan. I knew both parties were caca that long ago.

  7. Perfect for the new-age republican party, can’t tell what he sands for, but swears he supports Don. Yeah, more like looking for the votes he might bring.

  8. All the Bushs are elite globalists. George P. is just trying to shadow his father Yeb’s “Please Clap” legacy with a little more “stategery” by conning MAGA outsiders and President Trump into believing he’s a Trump supporter. George P. should not be trusted.

  9. That would be a “no”. I’m sick to death of legacy candidates. Most people don’t realize this but, with the exception of Arnold, The California executive has been under the control of just 4 families since WWII…

    They’re not answering a call to serve. They’re returning to the trough to feed…


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