Texas AG Paxton Takes Mask Mandate To State Supreme Court – IOTW Report

Texas AG Paxton Takes Mask Mandate To State Supreme Court

12 Comments on Texas AG Paxton Takes Mask Mandate To State Supreme Court

  1. My dem judge in Hays Cty just signed a mask mandate for kids in schools against Abbott. All the big box stores and some of the local grocers have their employees back in masks and Sam’s club was handing them out to willing customers at the door. Maddening that 60% of shoppers are back to wearing their filthy mask voluntarily. People are such fearful sheeple.

  2. “The committee won’t help you, it won’t help anyone, the committee is the old way, he laughs at your committee because it’s the old way and the old ways are HIS ways, you know.”
    -Stephen King, “The Stand”

    …you can’t do God’s work with the devil’s tools.

    And make no mistake, Democrat “judges” in liberal “Supreme Courts” ARE the devil’s tools.

    Turning to them only gives them an excuse to either humilite you bu denying you “standing”, or use you as an excuse to “prove” their lies are “legal”

    Either way, we can no longer turn to them for relief.

    The Founders knew what to do at this point

    Do we.

    …so far, the answer seems to be “no”…

  3. Too late, SCOTUS has already ruled on compulsory mask mandates, they like them, they really really like them;


    “Barrett didn’t offer a rationale for her decision not to act on the Indiana University students’ request. She published no written order, and she didn’t refer the case to the full court. All the Supreme Court has said on the matter is a single line in the case docket added late Thursday, announcing that the application has been denied.”

    There ya go, Barrett just told all the plebs to eat their carrotts and shut up.

  4. It’s not going to stop. The people will be coming for the courts. And then the judges and the politicians will be sued. And we will win through force. We use the left’s own tactics against them. They better pick their side right now.

    That is all.

  5. barrett’s ruling on a mandatory vaccination case, prior to hr getting on the SC,caused me to have reservations about her. Don’t expect anything favorable for opposition to vaccination, or masks, from her.
    ‘Even if Amy Barrett is confirmed to SCOTUS, she’s still a statist who promotes forced vaccinations and indefinite lockdowns’

    “Judge Barrett gave in to the authoritarian left by hiding behind a 1905 ruling in Jacobsen v. Massachusetts. This ruling gave local Massachusetts authorities free reign to vaccinate and re-vaccinate every adult in their jurisdiction and fine those who did not comply. Jacobsen v….”
    but I’m not surprised

  6. If Paxton loses this suit, then every local petty tyrant will issue mask mandates just to force the little people to wear masks as a symbol of the petty tyrant’s power. Not only will the face diaper mandates never end at that point, but these democrat cunts will dream up new ways to abase and humiliate the public just to stroke their power boner.

    People need to push back loud, hard, and rudely against this bullshit or get used to living like a fucking dog forever.


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