Texas AG Paxton Weighs In On Incident Which BLM Trapped Motorists and Brandished Weapon – IOTW Report

Texas AG Paxton Weighs In On Incident Which BLM Trapped Motorists and Brandished Weapon


Jack Posobiec exposed a recent incident that happened in Plano, Texas, which suggests riot lawlessness may even be spreading into Texas.

In the incident, which occurred last week, BLM marchers illegally blocked a public street, trapping motorists. Such situations have happened across the nation over the past year, often resulting in violence. In the Plano video, one man emerges from his car and yells at the BLM protesters to clear the street. They not only do not clear the street, one of them also brandishes a weapon of some sort at the man. A Plano police officer looks on, does nothing to clear the street, and instead seems to side against the motorist — who is legally in the right.

BLM and antifa protesters have illegally blocked public roads during many protests over the past few months, endangering drivers and themselves. In one incident in Austin, a BLM protester illegally blocking a city street brandished a rifle at a driver as he approached the man’s car. The driver was a soldier and licensed handgun carrier and shot and killed the protester. In an incident in Provo, Utah last year, protesters blocked a street and surrounded a 60-year-old man in his truck. One of the protesters shot the man, wounding him. Several other similar incidents around the country have only ended when drivers continued to drive through the protests, often striking individuals in the crowd that was illegally blocking streets. Oklahoma recently passed a law protecting drivers who find themselves dealing with protesters, who often instigate instant riots, illegally block public streets. Despite media misrepresentations, drivers surrounded by protesters/rioters find themselves facing the probability of violence and the possibility of death. Their car becomes a means of self-defense in such situations.

In the Plano incident, the street is illegally blocked. The BLM activists have no right to block the street, and no right to brandish a weapon at anyone attempting to get by or attempting to persuade them to vacate the public street.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sought clarification with Plano police on what happened and is dissatisfied with what he has learned. He posted this letter on social media Monday. more

23 Comments on Texas AG Paxton Weighs In On Incident Which BLM Trapped Motorists and Brandished Weapon

  1. Jason- Go to your state Gov’s website and in the search box type in something like, “protecting drivers from protestors”.

    Or look at the state legislator page and see the bills that have been passed or presented. If it’s being presented, call or email them and say DO IT!!!

    Find your district rep and call their office. They can tell you.

  2. The police chief said “We have to deal with these people. Do you expect us to arrest them all?” (apprx).
    Why yes we do. We expect you to do your job to protect and serve.

  3. Jason
    Call your local Sheriffs Department and ask them point blank. Your DA and Sheriff set policy on how and what laws will be enforced and how vigorously. Or you could just find out if your DA has a D behind his name on his political page and then you know you’re screwed.

  4. In police training (and you’ve seen it on cop shows) you’re supposed make “friends” with the bad guy to “disarm” the situation. They’ve carried that b/s way too far. Time to start knocking heads. We had relative peace for several decades after the 60’s riots because cops were allowed to do their jobs.

  5. MJA
    Thanks. Michigan.gov was no help. It just kept telling me about Whitmer getting some JFK award. And google only resulted in negative articles. Go figure. But I’ll keep trying.

  6. Any cop that was there needs to be fired. Laws were broken. The mob was armed and threatening people with weapons. WTF? They need to switch L.E. to L.I.E. Law Ignoring Egomaniacs.

  7. “The police are not on the side of the law abiding, get used to it.”

    It’s much worse than that. The police prevent us from protecting ourselves or our loved ones against the mob. And that can’t happen.

  8. Who gives a crap about a strongly worded letter from Paxton to the black racist Police Chief in Plano who walked in solidarity at a BLM Rally in Plano a while back.

    Bring legal action and charge this Police Chief and his punk cops with a crime of aiding and abetting a felony. Tough action is needed not bullshit letters. This is war, dummy.

  9. Plano police chief is a recent hire. Black man who seems sympathetic to BLM “cause”.
    Btw, there was only one cop on scene, who appears to go out of his way to side w/the mob. IOW, “don’t hurt me and I’ll deal with this angry white man”.

    Plano had their city commission hrg after this incident, whereby the newly elected mayor appears to be “inconvenienced” by this issue.
    I watched the entire hearing and aside from a few voices during the public comment portion, this young black lady (who travelled from Dallas specifically to speak) could teach all the white cowards perched upon the dais a thing or two. Matter of fact she should replace any number of our elected Republicants.

    Timestamp 2:42:50 ⬇️


  10. “Do you expect us to mass arrest these protestors?”

    Yes. Just like Dallas did.

    You have precedent showing it worked and a stellar example to go by.

    Quit playing dumb.

    By the way, chiefs are appointed, not elected. He does the bidding of the mayor. He’s the one that needs his feet held to the fire. You don’t want to end up like Portland, do you?

    Would be nice if the county came in took care of business when it happens again in Plano, and it will since they’ve been given protection. Almost all of Plano is in Collin county.

  11. In Florida, we have a governor who has courage and intelligence. He pushed through an anti rioting bill. If what happened in Plano had happened in Florida, here’s what the new law mandates. Immediate arrest and stay in jail until the arraignment. The judge decides whether bail is appropriate and how much. No revolving door. If the local police do not do their job to protect life and property, the state police immediately step in. The person(s) responsible for the stand down order (chief, mayor, city manager, whoever) may be personally sued by anyone who has a loss. Assault upon a police officer gets you minimum 6 months in jail. I thought Abbott was a smart conservative and a leader. Turns out I was wrong.

  12. I live in Plano, and I was so fucking pissed when I learned about this. The fucking police flat out lied about why there was a traffic jam. They claimed there was a “broken traffic signal”. Meanwhile, the one fucking 5’2″ useless as dog shit cop there does nothing while a mob of BLM scumbags menace drivers with guns and calls a guy “racist” just for getting justifiably pissed off for being held hostage by a bunch of assholes… and being white.

    Clearly, when these scumbags do this to motorists, the goal is not to bring allies to their side. The real message is given when the cops don’t do a goddamn, motherfucking, cocksucking thing to stop it.

    The message being made is simple:

    Fuck you hardworking honest taxpayers. We’re gonna let a bunch of jiggaboo scumbags and their pet fat white girls with neon hair walk all over you and your town until you do everything we tell you to do without question. And what we want you to do is take it up the ass from everybody.

    I moved to Texas to escape this bullshit, and now it’s established itself here as well.


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