Texas: Amazon Driver Rescues Baby Abandoned On The Side Of The Road By A Carjacker – IOTW Report

Texas: Amazon Driver Rescues Baby Abandoned On The Side Of The Road By A Carjacker

WTAM: Amazon driver Juan Carlos Flores was making deliveries in a Houston neighborhood when he saw a baby carrier on the side of the road. He felt something wasn’t right, so he went to check on it and found a newborn baby inside.

“When I saw that baby, I wanted to cry,” Flores told KTRK. “How could someone have a heart to leave the child on the side of the road?” MORE

12 Comments on Texas: Amazon Driver Rescues Baby Abandoned On The Side Of The Road By A Carjacker

  1. I knew someone was going to post he was a hero. So I laid in wait in ambush. LOL.
    We need to ban the word “Hero” from the Funk and Wagnel. Everyone’s a fucking hero. Its become a participation trophy.Nurses are heros, fire fighters are hero’s, teachers are heros. So if you can do your job, you’re a hero. This guy did what any responsible person would have done, and good on him. But hero? Audie Murphy was a hero. This guy found a baby on the side of the road and did the right thing.

  2. Brad
    JANUARY 24, 2021 AT 11:44 PM
    “I knew someone was going to post he was a hero. So I laid in wait in ambush. LOL.
    We need to ban the word “Hero” from the Funk and Wagnel. Everyone’s a fucking hero. Its become a participation trophy.Nurses are heros, fire fighters are hero’s, teachers are heros. So if you can do your job, you’re a hero.”

    …amen and amen.

    …this one time, my wife glowingly told me about her scatterbrained, literally redheaded, female cousin in CA who had got her EMT license abd had called her one day to brag about how she “saved a life”. I don’t know what my wife was expecting MY response to be, but judging from the look on her face, it wasn’t the “So what does she want, a cookie? That’s the JOB” that she GOT.

    …because it IS.

    …she was trained, equipped, paid, and supported specifically for the purpose of saving lives. Its nice that she gave her agency and customer some ROI, but that’s all it was. Congratulating a medic for saving a life is like congratulating your mechanic for saving your car. It’s expected behavior, nothing more.

    Same with doctors and nurses, police and firefighters.

    Its the job, no more. Get over yourself.

    …now this Amazon guy maybe was a little exceptional because he didn’t HAVE to stop and look, but its actually basic humanity from there. You were given a soul and a conscious by a kindly Lord and a decent upbringing by folks who loved YOU, and you were therefore trained and equipped to have the basic decency to not let a baby die of exposure or mischance in a bar ditch along a busy road.

    Its expected behavior, expected by God. Good for you, your a human. Nice that God got a little ROI on his considerable investment in YOU.

    …and yes, I know that Democrats exist and have no basic humanity, souls,or conscious, and that Democrat parents exist that do not love or train their children, so the story IS worth a mention so we know God’s light is not gone from the world, but it ALSO shouldn’t be treated like we don’t EXPECT it of everyone, that only CERTAIN people can be decent human beings.

    Because EVERYONE can be a decent human being regardless of their upbringing if only they quit making excuses and turn to the Lord.

    …I’m not saying it’s not wonderful that Mr. Flores made this save.

    …I’m just saying that it SHOULD be innate in ALL of us that WE would do the same.

    …there ARE individual heroes from time to time, true, sometimes disproportionate in those groups mentioned above because they automatically get more opportunities to be heroic.

    But being willing to save a helpless child when it is easily within your abilities isn’t really heroic, its just living up to what God gave YOU.

    …and whether spiritually OR physically, only with God is it possible to save ANYONE. Never forget that, and to Him be the glory always…

  3. SNS
    Here in California we are tortured hourly by a radio commercial from the head of the California nurses association that has such a heavy Hispanic accent she’s hard to understand. “Nurses are forced to work 24 hours seven days a week by the California Government with out masks or protective gear. Except for the cute nurses. They were sexually violated by rich doctors. Only us fat pig hyspanic nurses are actually heroes. Any body want a burrito?”
    Well, that’s what I heard.

  4. WTAM: Amazon driver Juan Carlos Flores was making deliveries in a Houston neighborhood when he saw a baby carrier in the hot burning with 20 feet flames, bus shelter. He felt something wasn’t right, so he went to check on it and found a newborn baby inside.

    “When I saw that baby, I wanted to cry,” Flores told KTRK. “How could someone have a heart to leave the child on the side of the road?”

    Fixed, now we have a hero. 😉

  5. not DR Jill
    JANUARY 25, 2021 AT 8:34 AM
    “mr nightshade,
    do you have a profession?”

    …I’m a Super Shopper, and I EARNED the Kroger Reward Points to PROVE it.

    So if you’re asking as “Dr” Jill, you WILL address me as SuperSHOPPERNightshade, as that IS my formal, credentialed title.

    …if you’re asking me a semi-serious question as to my qualifications to make my statement, I ran the streets for 10 years in a municipal ambulance service, and still have credentials for and am active as as a trained Industrial First Responder, so I know whereof I speak…

  6. “so he went to check on it and found a newborn baby inside.”

    I can clearly see that the baby is not a newborn. The child looks to be at least 6 months old. But not to take away from the Amazon guy, he did the right thing.

  7. mr ss (supershopper)
    heroes and those held up as heroes fulfill a necessary role, now more than ever, in our society. without heroes what would society become? perhaps a never ending portland/seattle trou de merde.
    there may have even been circumstances where you were held up as a heroe?


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