Texas: Austin sex assault suspect previously deported five times – IOTW Report

Texas: Austin sex assault suspect previously deported five times

Fox7: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said a man accused of serial rape in the Austin area was deported five times before his most recent arrest in August.

Nicodemo Coria-Gonzales faces six charges including aggravated sexual assault and kidnapping.

In one case, a victim told police he poured gasoline on her and tried to set her on fire.

Police said Coria-Gonzalez admitted he had picked up prostitutes and beat them out of anger. He is currently being held without bond on an immigration detainer.

“There’s bad, really bad people, who want to do us real harm who are coming at us from all different directions north, south, east and west,” said Immigration specialist Thomas Esparza, Jr.


20 Comments on Texas: Austin sex assault suspect previously deported five times

  1. Execute him! Should have been done the first time. If anyone is here illegally and commits a violent crime the punishment should be death not deportation. They don’t want him back either. They will facilitate his return if possible. These creatures are NOT citizens.

  2. The state of Texas should ignore Hussein and Loretta, and start executing repeat felony criminals who are illegally in this state. Don’t play the PC card of “oooh lets rehabilitate them” …again and again and again! ENOUGH! Firing squad time. We are DONE coddling their stinking scrotes. Fcuk Barky and his bitch Loretty.

  3. Deport him one last time. . . over the border. . . from 500 feet. . . . without a ‘chute. Or into the Gulf per cfm990. Either one works for me. “Drop” (see what I did there?) the recidivism rate to zero, guar-an-damn-tee he’ll never do it again.

    The secret to making this work, is to get one or two small plane pilots, sworn to secrecy, to do the dropping. No trial, no records, no publicity, the illegal just. . . . disappears. . . . poof. . . .

  4. First time caught after deportation: Cut his left Achilles tendon
    Second time: Do the right one
    Third time: Left thumb tendon
    Fourth time: Do the right one
    Fifth time: Full body organ donor

  5. Nieto is correct about only sending their best to this country. Their best criminals that is. Someone in court should have asked the pos what would happen in Mexico if he had done this once, twice and possibly a third time. More than once probably would have meant cutting him loose in an enclosure filled with feral hogs and letting him fend for himself.

  6. Here’s my solution.

    An illegal rapes or murders, he is deported. His going away gift from Uncle Sam will be large tattoos reading U.S. L.E. OKAY TO SHOOT ON SIGHT.

    He does it again, we take him out to sea and throw him overboard miles from land, telling him, “You’re on your own, asshole!”

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