Texas: Austin wins Tesla’s new factory – IOTW Report

Texas: Austin wins Tesla’s new factory

FOX: Tesla is building its second U.S. car factory in the “ecological paradise” of Austin, Texas.

After posting the automaker’s first full year of profit ever, CEO Elon Musk cheerfully disclosed that his $1.1 billion facility will be where there will be “birds in the trees, butterflies, fish in the stream” right along the Colorado River with a boardwalk, hiking and biking trails.

The factory will produce the cyber truck, Tesla Semi and the Model 3 and Y, Musk said.

Musk disclosed the highly anticipated decision at the start of the company’s earnings call while thanking officials in Tulsa, Oklahoma who also aggressively courted the automaker. Musk said he was “super impressed” by the economic development team and Governor Stitt and will consider Tulsa for other opportunities “down the road.” read more

24 Comments on Texas: Austin wins Tesla’s new factory

  1. California is the big loser here, again. Mean while Gavin just closed escrow on a 5.5 million dollar home in our little ultra conservative community. I guess the Governors Mansion is not suitable.

  2. Could of picked a better city. But it’s a win for Texas, it brings jobs and all the of ancillary support needed for production.
    People that poo poo Musk haven’t any idea as to the jobs he’s created. 1.1 billion added to the tax base is nothing to laugh at.

  3. Wow, $1.1 Billion? Tents sure are expensive these days.

    Oh the irony.. Talking up the trees, butterflies and fish to produce the most environmentally destructive automobiles ever made. All the while 98.7% of Tesla’s “profit” came from selling carbon credits (not cars), with government subsidies. Making it the most valuable car company in the world with a P/E of 3200.

    Tesla: Proving stupid people still exist in massive numbers.

  4. The true Colorado river doesn’t come near to Texas and hasn’t hit the Pacific for 40 years…..Tesla sells circus passes and Austin is buying the latest version….Try driving a Tesla from west Texas to east Texas….The guy can apparently market and get government subsidies….

  5. @ willysgoatgruff
    “Try driving a Tesla from west Texas to east Texas“

    It can be done. Of course you need to pull a trailer with a generator and gasoline for the generator.

  6. You don’t “drive” a Tesla. A Tesla drives you.

    The guy appropriates Nicola’s last name and thinks he’s cool.

    I’d rather drive an “Einstein Rosenbridge” and arrive before I started.

  7. Wrong, CA IS NOT the big loser. Short sighted thinking like this is THE problem here. Yes, CA will lose 100s of millions in tax revenues, so the fuck what? The state is literally running a deficit of billions-oh wait their budget has to balance, give me a fucking break-but the real problem is this.

    100s of 1,000s of scum sucking CA REgressives moving to Texas. They are already changing the demographics and will shortly flip Texas. It’s a fucking disgrace allowing these POS from CA to move to Texas and vote THE EXACT SAME BULLSHIT that turned the Golden State into a shithole. CO too.

  8. AH…Bad_Brad….I got 60 years of Colorado in my rear view mirror….there are no economics that dissipate the failure of a states politics….I’ve seen it fail….California is a failure and you’ve talked about moving out since I came onto IOTW ten plus years ago….Buck up Bucky….

  9. Bad_Brad….why do you assume my business experience is zero?….You know nothing of me…..Have you not wanted to get out of California or not?….I kind of like dealing with you. I only hope you’ll allow me to continue the same pleasure….Now tell me to Fuck off so I really know it’s the real Bad_Brad….

  10. Brad,

    My business experience is not zero. Multiple degrees… Kali is a flaming dumpster fire. A wet cardboard box with a valid occupancy permit is worth $140k in the bay area, just for the value of the existing permits…


  11. Kali Refugee in Texas
    So what’s your point? Was I defending California? No. Congrats on a totally random comment
    This discussion has gotten pretty petty. I’m out.

  12. OK. I’m going to assume the role of a presumptious asshole (a role I hate to assume since it reeks of libtardism). I just hate to see infighting amongst great posters at IOTW. I know you can all kick ass on your own hence the asshole part.

    First of all, Bad_Brad – thanks for hanging in there behind enemy lines, we’re counting on you and some fellow patriots to hold this beachhead and turn California back to red with sane policies.

    Next, to Kali refugee, I’ve been in Texas for almost 50 years and can empathize with you and your disgust at the locusts fleeing what they’ve created and trying to implement it here. It’s disgusting BUT I’ve seen an awakening amongst some recent immigrants, especially Asians, that also want the good life and will vote for Trump and freedom

    Let’s band together and make this awesome country even more amazing and kick the leftists asses back into the septic tank of history!

  13. Does anyone really think Californians will flock to Texas for $19 an hour? And does anyone really think liberals even want jobs? Even though the truck sucks, the jobs will be a nice boost to the Texas economy. And they will be filled by locals – not by indoctrinated college kids or relocated moonbats.

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