Texas Begins Jailing Female Migrants Arrested at Border on State Crimes – IOTW Report

Texas Begins Jailing Female Migrants Arrested at Border on State Crimes


The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) is now detaining female migrants arrested along the border on state crimes. The new policy expands the existing policies of arresting male migrants for state crimes under Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star.

“Beginning today, TDCJ is accepting female migrants arrested by Texas law enforcement officers along the border,” TDCJ Director of Communications Amanda Hernandez told Breitbart Texas on Wednesday.”The females will be held in the Lopez Unit in Edinburg.”

Hernandez explained this is a continuation of the department’s role in the Operation Lone Star border security mission. She said the expansion of the program will now allow state and local law enforcement to arrest female migrants that are committing crimes like criminal trespass and other state crimes after illegally crossing the border from Mexico.

In an interview with Breitbart Texas in June 2021, the governor detailed plans to build state-funded border barriers and to arrest migrants committing crimes that include criminal mischief, vandalism of state property or local government property, and criminal trespass.

n addition, the recent declaration of a State of Emergency by the State of Texas causes the penalties for these crimes to increase by one level.

“That means up to 180 days in jail,” Governor Abbott said during the interview. “Something that may be a Class B misdemeanor right now, turned into a class A misdemeanor. And so they can get into a lot of trouble.” more

7 Comments on Texas Begins Jailing Female Migrants Arrested at Border on State Crimes

  1. Make invasion a capital offense (which it already should be).

    Ship the illegal-alien invading rat-people to North Korea and see how they make out.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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