Texas: Bernie, Castro Set to Speak at Terror-Linked (ISNA) Jihadi Conference – IOTW Report

Texas: Bernie, Castro Set to Speak at Terror-Linked (ISNA) Jihadi Conference

Pamela Geller:

America’s kapo strikes again. Bernie Sanders is the most anti-Semitic (and anti-American) presidential candidate of our lifetime, so it is not a surprise that he would speak at a conference hosted by a Hamas linked organization. How “progressive” of Sanders.

Why is Sanders not being confronted by America’s Jewish organizations for his anti-Semitism and open disdain for Israel? Why would the Republican Party not expose Sanders for aligning with some of America’s worst Jew-haters?

Naturally the mainstream media will also give Sanders a pass for his anti-Semitism. CNN and MSNBC will falsely accuse President Trump of supporting white supremacists, but have no problem with Bernie Sanders consistently supporting Muslim supremacists.

Julian Castro will be speaking  at the event as well. More Democrat party presidential candidates will surely follow suit. It is becoming increasingly clear that the Democrat Party is the the party of jihad and Jew-hatred.

No Jewish American with a brain or with dignity should support the Democrat Party in anyway. #Jexodus. MORE

5 Comments on Texas: Bernie, Castro Set to Speak at Terror-Linked (ISNA) Jihadi Conference

  1. Sanders is not likely to make it very far into the actual selection process.

    No matter how much the MSM may like him and his ideas, the people really aren’t all that enthusiastic about him and them.


  2. The democratic party is now populated by a plethora of self-hating Jews. Sanders is just one of those that despises his religion and himself. When a person hates who is his, how can he be at all trusted to do anything positive with his life and for the lives of others?


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