TEXAS: Beto O’Rourke Voted Three Times Against Removing Poorly Performing VA Employees – IOTW Report

TEXAS: Beto O’Rourke Voted Three Times Against Removing Poorly Performing VA Employees


Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) has voted repeatedly against holding incompetent Veterans Affairs employees accountable — a contrast with what he has said on the campaign trail, according to the Ted Cruz campaign.

“Beto O’Rourke boasts about his commitment to Texas’ veterans – but a closer look at his record reveals that time and again, Beto has voted against holding inept bureaucrats at the VA accountable. Texas Veterans deserve better than Beto O’Rourke’s empty platitudes and double talk,” said Cruz spokesperson Catherine Frazier.

O’Rourke voted against the VA Accountability Act of 2015, which would make it easier for the VA to demote or fire employees based on poor performance and offer increased protection for whistleblowers.

The bill passed in the House by a vote of 256-170. All “no” votes except one came from Democrats. The Obama White House opposed the bill, since it would allow a VA employee to be removed or demoted without the ability to appeal the decision.

The bill came after a VA scandal that revealed VA employees were doctoring wait times to hide that veterans were made to wait months before seeing a doctor.  more

23 Comments on TEXAS: Beto O’Rourke Voted Three Times Against Removing Poorly Performing VA Employees

  1. To democrats, a job in government is the tree of life.
    Accountability is not in their lexicon.
    It’s like a Supreme Court lifetime appointment.
    Sleep on the job?
    Surf porn on the job?
    Steal on the job?
    Use your position to target conservatives?
    Welcome to the US Government.

  2. Don’t know what to think of this race. Why is Cruz struggling so badly in Texas. WTF is up with that. GW is campaigning in Texas but will give no money to Cruz. To which I say is awesome. If Trump goes down there and kicks ass, and helps get Cruzer reelected Cruzers got to start showing some serious allegiance towards the Trump agenda. Trump, Cruz, Paul, Jordan. I can get behind that shit.

  3. The majority of which have only been employed by equal opportunity, affirmative action, diversity, (add your own made up for a illegally justified vote “term” here). Amazing, Holding illegal border crosser’s deserve to be put higher in the Que. No ID, no legal SSN (that can be confirmed in seconds, just ask any democratic supported credit card firm). F’u and your kids. No courts, no free meals, no housing, just GTFO. @LBS, go home or to bed, your drunk. The need to see yourself in every post is “fucking ignorant”.

  4. Fucking Loco.
    I’ve read multiple sights that report GW is campaigning for every repub inside Texas save Cruz. Google it. If you cant find it, I’ll link it.
    In my mind if Trump shows up and helps carry the day, the Trump/Cruz alliance grows much stronger. Which I interpret as bad ass. Apparently, you don’t. Tell me where I’m wrong. And try and be serious this time.

  5. Hey Snorky1 blowjob, whoever the fuck you are, I’m not too drunk to know the difference between your and you’re.
    Who is my drunk?
    Idiot, if you hurry you might be able to edit your GED student grammar.
    In addition, why did you put quotes around “fucking ignorant?”
    Perhaps you are too new here to know how clever I am.
    Seriously, you do NOT want to pick a fight with me. 🙂
    Move along snowflake.

    “@LBS, go home or to bed, your drunk. The need to see yourself in every post is “fucking ignorant”.”

  6. I notice that all this guy’s campaign signs have one word: “BETO”. No last name (O’Rourke), no picture, just “Beto”, which was actually his childhood nickname. There’s no doubt in my ex-military mind that this is being done on purpose, so that many Hispanics will think they are voting for one of their own, instead of some Irish cracker.

    Cruz, when referring to his opponent, should always make a point of addressing him by his proper first and middle names – Robert Francis.

  7. Loco

    You’re fucking shit faced moron. How could you interpret what I just wrote as negative to anybody on our side? (My Side) who fucking knows who’s side you are on.
    If Cruz is successful, it will draw Cruz closer into the Trump agenda. You think I’m wrong? Tell me where.

  8. I’m still confused as whether snorky should be capitalized?

    It seems a troll I’ve never heard of on this site is calling me a troll.
    It gets old when fools show their asses in public.
    Look fool, your past two undecipherable, illiterate posts show a lack of diversity of knowledge.
    To put it bluntly in terms your feeble mind can grasp, fuck off, child.

  9. Electing a fake-meskin commie from BFE El Paso (Juarez, the psychomurder capitol of Mexico) is like hiring a Taureg from Timbuktu as CEO of IBM. Once he finally dismounts his camel after the 500 mile journey to San Antonio, gets coached in commiefaggot virtuespeak from Comrades Castro, his trisomied brain will skip retard right into potato. Cruz will debate a stumbling, kennedy-faced soytard.


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