Texas Can Get Trump’s Border Wall Accomplished – IOTW Report

Texas Can Get Trump’s Border Wall Accomplished

American Thinker: Texas can make a border wall happen.  Many worry that courts will block President Donald Trump from building a border wall with funds reprogrammed from other projects under a declaration of an emergency.  However, Texas is in the more conservative Fifth Circuit, not the Ninth.

As an attorney who worked for Judicial Watch and more recently for Larry Klayman at Freedom Watch, this topic has prompted legal research by the author.

The border wall should be built exclusively in Texas at first, postponing California, Arizona, and New Mexico until after the Texas border is secure.  That will keep lawsuits in the Fifth Circuit and out of the Ninth.  Texas can make this happen.

  1. Texas governor Greg Abbott should formally request that the president issue a declaration of an emergency.
  1. Abbott should declare a state-level emergency.
  1. Abbott should ask Texas officials to compile incidents of violence, gang activity, drug-smuggling, human-smuggling, sex-trafficking, etc. to document grounds for an emergency.
  1. Abbott should make demand invoking Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution that the federal government “shall” protect Texas against “invasion” by armed gangs and criminals.
  1. The Texas Legislature should pass a resolution invoking Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution that the federal government “shall” protect Texas against “domestic violence” spread from Mexico across the border, including armed gangs and criminals, drug-smuggling, human-smuggling, sex slavery, etc.

Decision-makers need to stop viewing this topic as one single step or as mutually exclusive with other actions.  Trump should declare a national emergency while still negotiating with Congress for appropriations.  It is not “either-or.”  He can reprogram funds in a later, separate step.  MORE

19 Comments on Texas Can Get Trump’s Border Wall Accomplished

  1. Mohammed’s pink swastika

    Holy crap, I’ve been following this poor womans story. She is a hero. Prayers. Anything I can do. This wouldn’t have happened with a wall. There would have been no reason.

  2. Mohammed’s pink swastika

    Can’t imagine the heart break you and yours are going through tonight. I hope DJT brings your aunt up in topic tomorrow night. It would only be right.

  3. Motherf$cker! Pissed as all Hell I am. How many trailer loads of WMD does it take to shut the border down? Declare the cartels as Foreign Terror Organizations and kill them all! Cut off DemSoc fund pipeline, secure my state damn it!

  4. Put a fighter using Queensberry rules to govern his fighting conduct up against one using MMA rules and see who wins.

    That’s what we see in the Republicans going up against the Leftist coalition.

    FWIW, as near as I can tell, Texas seems to be making the shift to blue, the largest cities there both dominating its politics and leaning socialist in their policies.

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