Texas: Child protective services worker fired after telling hungry 14-year-old girl to become a prostitute – IOTW Report

Texas: Child protective services worker fired after telling hungry 14-year-old girl to become a prostitute

“If you gonna be a ho — be a real ho,” the CPS worker told the teenager.
It’s not just CPS who has a problem.

12 Comments on Texas: Child protective services worker fired after telling hungry 14-year-old girl to become a prostitute

  1. This is what the democrats are telling all of America’s people—to walk the stroll and panhandle for our needs. It’s coming soon to that under the jealous narcissist Joe Biden regime.

  2. “Because the worker had been telling her this is how you can make money, I used to do this, and you could do the same thing,”………Well, she can now pursue her former career again. It’s good to have skills that you can fall back on.

    I bet she votes Democrat too.

  3. it’s not a coincidence the non-profit (tax free) orgs designed to supposedly help those in need are the ones exploiting and doing the most harm
    remember jerry sandusky?

  4. it would appear that the child was brought into this world in order to increase the welfare benefits for the mom. I assume that mom’s weaves and blings took precedence over the childs food.

  5. Keisha Bazley – mother or nine – apparently no husband or baby-daddy around to assist with “daughter’s” behavioral problem – called CPS.

    And then the daughter records the contact?
    Isn’t that how Project Veritas got into so much shit?
    Now she’s gonna sue.

    Something stinks – and it ain’t just the Jheri-curl.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I will bet everything I own that if the CPS Pimp votes, it has never cast a vote for anything but a Democrat.

    Also, notice it has been dismissed from it’s position, not fired. You have to be particularly careful to deconstruct the statements that any head of any agency like CPS use.

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