Texas: Citizens, Lawmakers Speak Out to Protect Children From Gender Disfigurement Operations – IOTW Report

Texas: Citizens, Lawmakers Speak Out to Protect Children From Gender Disfigurement Operations

Texas Scorecard:

AUSTIN — “My son, starting at 2 years old, was taught that he was a girl by his mother and was pushed into ‘social transition.’”

Texan Jeff Younger was one of several citizens and lawmakers who spoke at a Capitol press conference this week regarding a proposed law that would classify gender disfigurement operations as child abuse.

House Bill 68, by State Rep. Steve Toth (R–The Woodlands), would ban medical professionals from performing a variety of harmful and potentially permanently damaging procedures on children, such as “performing a surgery that sterilizes the child, including castration,” “administering or supplying any of the following medications that induce transient or permanent infertility,” such as puberty blockers, or “removing any otherwise healthy or non-diseased body part or tissue.”


7 Comments on Texas: Citizens, Lawmakers Speak Out to Protect Children From Gender Disfigurement Operations

  1. Some libtard judge will rule the law unconstitutional.

    We cannot win. Instead of trying to win, we should let it all collapse in a heap. We should focus on getting our way after the collapse.

    I say this because, as i said, we cannot win. It is impossible. It is all headed over a cliff and there is zero point to deluding ourselves otherwise. Only divine intervention can stop it. Otherwise, this country is toast.

    The democratas know this. That’s why they talk about the ‘great reset’. That implies there is a collapse. And they also say ‘build back better’. That is a direct statement that the ship is going down. Otherwise, there would be no need to build back.

    We are wasting our time trying to stop it. Focus on taking over after the collapse.

  2. …we’re not going to be able to reason with people who profess to believe that sexually mutilating and sterilizing children after deliberately, institutionally lying to them about sex at an age when they CANNOT understand it AT ALL is not only proper, but necessary.

    Either these – people – are completely insane, in which case they are unreachable by logic; or they are so thorough indoctrinated and deceived themselves that they would be suicidal if the truth broke through from guilt and having their worldview destroyed; or they are devotees of one of the nine thousand names of Satan and are reprobate and bereft of the Spirit and therefore unable to ever reach the Lord and His truth again; or they are just secularly evil and want to destroy our children in the name of some political agenda or some perversion.

    In NONE of these cases will you be able to talk them out of it.

    It is not possible to reverse the tides of Sodom with words. Lot was unable to reason or bargain with men who wanted only to rape his angelic guests. The insane cannot be reasoned with and the reprobate glory in evil.

    So what DO you do when a child is being sexually assaulted?

    …I know MY answer, but it’s not one I can publish nor call for others to do in this very open, public forum.

    Only the evil may openly preach their kinetic intent. Those who oppose them are forced to be more circumspect.

    So all I can do here is two things.

    One, call upon all to pray the Lord to end this scourge quickly, and as only He can. Lot was not liberated nor Sodom destroyed by the actions of men.

    Two, search yourself for how you would respond if you knew of a child being mangled at knife point by a depraved pervert, and think you on how it would apply to exactly that being done, whether it be in a back alley or a doctor’s office.

    Then act according to your own conscious and abilities.

    …and I really can’t be any clearer than that.

    You know in your heart what must be done, but we are ever unwilling to admit that some evil requires the ultimate response.

    …if they can steal our elections, deny our God given rights, take our money control, control our bodies, control our movements, deny us food, discriminate openly on race and sex, murder our parents, and poison and dismember our very children, one wonders what the tipping point even IS, let alone if there even IS one…


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