Texas City Featured In Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Sequel’ Lost Millions In Its Green Energy Gamble – IOTW Report

Texas City Featured In Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Sequel’ Lost Millions In Its Green Energy Gamble

DC: Former Vice President Al Gore hailed the city of Georgetown, Texas, for powering itself with only solar and wind energy, but now the city is losing millions on its green energy gamble.

Georgetown’s bet against fossil fuel prices cost the city-owned utility nearly $7 million this year, and prompted officials to look for a way out of their long-term contracts for solar and wind energy.

“It’s costing them big time,” vice president of research at the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF), Bill Peacock, told The Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview. “This doesn’t appear to be the first time they’ve lost money, just the first time it was big enough to have to go public with it.”

Georgetown made national news after being featured in Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Sequel,” which was released in 2017. The film followed-up on Gore’s inaccurate 2006 film “An Inconvenient Truth.”  more here

18 Comments on Texas City Featured In Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Sequel’ Lost Millions In Its Green Energy Gamble

  1. Any of you folks living in Excel energies utility area better get ready to drop your pants as well.
    In a broad sense, the shift to renewables is good for such utilities. When they shift from existing fossil fuel plants to new renewable energy, they shift from fuel (coal and natural gas) costs, which they make no money on, to investments in new renewable energy power plants, new batteries to store power and electric car chargers to help electrify the vehicle fleet, and tons of new transmission lines, much of which they can rate-base.

  2. The technology just isn’t there.
    Maybe in 10 years.Solar/wind/batteries
    are the cat’s meow for us CB/HAM radio
    operators in an emergency.
    Another thing= China will eventually run
    out of areas to “strip” mine the rare earth
    elements out of the ground to make panels.The
    panels only last 25 years max and get weak long
    before the 25 years is up.And wind ??? that’s
    another “story”….

  3. One of my four sons lives in Georgetown, Texas. He moved from Austin to Round Rock and then to Georgetown. The property taxes there are outrageous by Texas standards. He’s already talking about moving further away from the influence of Austin politics. I will never live within the limits of any city. I can burn leaves, grow a garden, park as many vehicles, let my grass get as long as I want and even shoot a deer from my back porch if I want to and I’m not giving that up.

  4. “Georgetown’s bet against fossil fuel prices cost the city-owned utility nearly $7 million this year, and prompted officials to look for a way out of their long-term contracts for solar and wind energy.”

    The UN-convenient truth! 😳

  5. I always thought the Mendoza line was .215, which was Mario Mendoza’s lifetime batting average. Not that this makes a bit of difference to Geoff’s point, but I think we should insult Mr. Medoza just a little bit less by raising his line from .200 to .215.


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