Texas – Collin County Pushes for Fix as State Agency Admits ‘Significantly’ Overstating Coronavirus Cases – IOTW Report

Texas – Collin County Pushes for Fix as State Agency Admits ‘Significantly’ Overstating Coronavirus Cases

Texas Scorecard: Texas health officials have acknowledged reporting “significantly overstated” active COVID-19 case counts, after Collin County commissioners said earlier this week they had “zero confidence” in the Chinese coronavirus data reported by the state.

Now the county is pushing state officials to fix their mistake “immediately.”

Collin County Judge Chris Hill said Monday he was “100 percent certain” the numbers reported by the Texas Department of Public Health Services and its Texas Health Trace tracking system are inaccurate because the state is not clearing all recovered cases from active case totals.

On Thursday, Hill said local health officials believe the number of actual cases in the county is just a fraction of the number of active cases shown on the state’s public reporting site:

13 Comments on Texas – Collin County Pushes for Fix as State Agency Admits ‘Significantly’ Overstating Coronavirus Cases

  1. But Abbott has great confidence in these numbers (end of the article). I’m sure he does, that is why I have a damn mask mandate, can’t go to a bar unless they serve 51% food and am banned from the river.

  2. My county… That’s why I moved here. It’s run by Republicans. So, naturally, a bunch of democrats cunts are moving here for a better life and new place to fuck up.

  3. Cases are being clocked into the totals that were identified by contact tracing. They don’t have to be tested.

    Even the dead, which should be the most strict standard of attributing death to the virus, those numbers are completely screwed. We’ve seen the ridiculous assignations of covid death when the patient was terminal from another cause but tested positive post mortem.

    The biggest problem is the record keeping has been contaminated so that even a decade from now we’ll never know the true mortality rate of this bug. Which I will admit is not easy even when the pathogen has not been politicized to a fare thee well like this one.

  4. In our little corner of Texas, we were down to 10 active cases in May. Things got crazy in June and July… At one point there were over 500 active cases.

    While the case number continues to climb (It’s going to) We have just over 1200 total cases our current active cases continues continues to drop about 225 cases, 18-20 in the hospital, and 12 deaths.
    The majority above 70. One was 40 something..

    Active cases continue to trend down

  5. The testing also dropped off a lot in Texas in August. But fear not, they are having all the schools test and report their testing to the state. So we will be getting the state case numbers back on track in the right direction to push for a fall shut down.

  6. It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.

    Thomas Sowell

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