Texas Dem Mike Siegel Signed Letter Defending Bill Ayers – IOTW Report

Texas Dem Mike Siegel Signed Letter Defending Bill Ayers

WFB: A Texas Democrat signed a letter defending the integrity of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

While a student at Cornell Law School, congressional hopeful Mike Siegel joined a 2008 statement of solidarity with Bill Ayers, a self-described radical communist who was hunted for more than a decade by the FBI for his role in bombing government buildings.

“We write to support our colleague Professor William Ayers,” the letter reads. “The current characterizations of Professor Ayers—’unrepentant terrorist,’ ‘lunatic leftist’—are unrecognizable to those who know or work with him.”

As a founder and leader of the revolutionary terror cell known as Weather Underground, Ayers was involved in bombings at the Pentagon, U.S. Capitol, and New York City Police Department during the early 1970s. Weather Underground was one of many ultra-violent leftist groups that the FBI surveilled and dismantled throughout the 1970s.  read more

4 Comments on Texas Dem Mike Siegel Signed Letter Defending Bill Ayers

  1. We could make him fly by putting him in a trebuchet and giving him the last ride of his worthless life. I still don’t understand why this POS is not still rotting away in prison for the rest of his miserable life. I wonder how far he could fly before he finally goes splat all over the ground? Anyone for a Bill Ayres chuckin contest or he could do an Evel Knievel, strap him to a rocket bike and send him into oblivion over the Grand Canyon or Hells Canyon in Idaho. And see him do his last best one time only final Wile E Coyote imitation. Bring a spatula for final cleanup to scrape whats left of him up off of the ground or just leave it for the carrion, wolves, coyotes, bears, eagles, crows etc. to eat.


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