Texas: Democrat Congressional Candidate: Obama ‘Deserves’ Cancer ‘Or Worse’; Makes Other Horrifying Remarks – IOTW Report

Texas: Democrat Congressional Candidate: Obama ‘Deserves’ Cancer ‘Or Worse’; Makes Other Horrifying Remarks

That boy is 3 gallons of crazy in a 1 gallon bucket.
How did I miss this story? LOL!

Daily Wire:

Democrat congressional candidate Justin Lecea, a self-described “Bernie Democrat” who is running to unseat Rep. Joaquin Castro (D) in Texas’ 20th Congressional District, tweeted this week that former President Barack Obama “deserved” cancer “or worse” and also made disturbing remarks that appear to show that he supports shooting Republicans.

Over the weekend, Lecea commented on the following tweet from Obama: “You can get the zen garden next week, but tomorrow is the last day to sign up for health coverage at HealthCare[.]gov. This year, most current HealthCare[.]gov customers can find an insurance plan with a monthly premium of $10 or less. Get covered today!”

Lecea wrote, “I just want you to think about all the people who have and will die because Obamacare is pointless and your entire presidency was a waste. If god was just you would get the most malignant cancer imaginable.” read more

10 Comments on Texas: Democrat Congressional Candidate: Obama ‘Deserves’ Cancer ‘Or Worse’; Makes Other Horrifying Remarks

  1. Lecea’s outrage is only because obama wasn’t “progressive” enough for his open borders, anti-police, anti-ICE Marxist agenda.

    obama, creator of slippery slopes, now finds himself at the bottom of one.

  2. “Sounds like many of the comments I’ve read here.”

    Me too, anonymous. It is quite puzzling to me why a conservative website’s commenters would say disparaging things about The Lightworker.

  3. I actually hope that Lecea defeats San Antonio’s Congressman Joaquin Castro in the Democrat Party primaries. Then Lecea’s repellently repugnant utterings will be made public and the TexMex San Antonio voters will wake up and vote Republican.

    The key is to get a good Republican candidate who is also TexMex who can articulate the Conservative message of free market capitalism, pro-liberty, small gummint, pro-life.

    My sister-in-law voted for Killary; she’ll probably vote for Lecea. Yay!


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