Texas Democratic Candidates Push To Decriminalize Illegally Crossing The Border – IOTW Report

Texas Democratic Candidates Push To Decriminalize Illegally Crossing The Border

CDN: Top Democrats running in Texas elections are calling for the decriminalization of illegally crossing the United States border.

While campaigning in south Texas, Rep. Robert O’Rourke who is running against incumbent Sen. Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate, declared that illegal entry should not be a criminal matter.

“These asylum seekers — penniless, at wit’s end, after surviving three weeks on the road, very often with their children — then attempt to do what I think any human would do, which is request asylum in between the ports of entry,” O’Rourke said. “We should not criminalize that.”

O’Rourke failed to mention that entering the United States via ports of entry and requesting asylum is not currently a crime. Individuals who sneak into the United States between ports of entry commit a criminal act.  more here

h/t  theolivebranchreport.com

12 Comments on Texas Democratic Candidates Push To Decriminalize Illegally Crossing The Border

  1. entering the United States via ports of entry and requesting asylum is not currently a crime

    Unless they illegally crossed another country’s sovereign territory, first.

    (Just because you kill somebody in Mexico, but have yet to kill anybody in America, doesn’t make you less of a murderer.)

  2. No body with more than two brain cells gives Beto more than a snowballs chance in hell. Beto pissed his pants when he supported the NFL kneelers. Messing with football is like messing with Texas. Texans do not appreciate it one damn bit.
    Polls be damned, oddsmakers give Beto a 1 in twenty chance of winning the election. I wouldn’t worry too much about O Rourke’s liberal cali buddies screaming and getting their panties in a wad. It’s just another dim witted democrat push for a deeply flawed candidate.

  3. Living in El Paso, I’ve had to put up with Beto O’Rouke… who the hell’s Robert?… for years. He’s trash. Nothing more, nothing less. Running for State Representative.. and also from El Paso… is former County Judge Veronica Escobar. More trash. El paso has one of the highest property tax rates in the country along with equally high poverty rates.

    I pray to the Lord that these two open borders advocates, take a knee admirers, police hating criminals, and haters of everything American don’t get elected.

    But this IS El Paso. The inhabitants of this village will carry them ten to one over whichever Republican they run against. But you do get the government you deserve after all.


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