Texas: Democrats’ Destructive Decisions Spark Austinites to Take Back City Government – IOTW Report

Texas: Democrats’ Destructive Decisions Spark Austinites to Take Back City Government

“Mismanagement by our current City Council is so flagrant that it’s impossible to ignore it any longer.”

There’s a pivotal war for power unfolding in Austin.

Texas Scorecard: Amid scenes of citizens forced out of their homes, iconic businesses shuttering from suffocating taxes, uncontrolled homelessness scattering across town, intensifying lawlessness spreading on the streets, and defunded police officers leaving their jobs, some citizens are now arising to take city hall back from the all-Democrat Austin City Council who helped create the current reality in Texas’ capital.

For this November’s local election, 20 candidates are running for just five available seats on the city council. All of the incumbent Democrat councilmembers trying to stay in power this year are facing challengers.

The current council has harmed and angered citizens through a variety of recent and ongoing decisions. Last year, the council allowed homeless individuals to camp in nearly all public spaces across the city, igniting a wildfire of public backlash and safety risk; last week, the council defunded the local police department by one-third, spent part of the police money on killing children, and hit already-struggling citizens with even higher tax bills.

On taxes alone, the council wants to take over $500 more cash from the median homeowner next year—despite being in a time when over 130,000 Austinites recently lost their jobs because of government shutdowns, despite already taking 100 percent more annually from the median homeowner compared to 12 years ago, and despite already spending roughly double the amount city officials Dallas and Houston pay out. more here

24 Comments on Texas: Democrats’ Destructive Decisions Spark Austinites to Take Back City Government

  1. Looks like some folks remembered that they live in Texas, or their grandparents drove in to teach them who they were before they got the portlandia disease.

  2. What was that old hippie bumpersticker…”think globally, act locally” I think it was. My, how the worm has turned. You small-time radicals think you’re as bulletproof as the DC denizens. but you’re not. Somebody might have paid your way to power, but they won’t keep paying for your stupidity. People like Soros think they can try their hand at buying up cities and towns on the cheap, but they just might end up with burned fingers, or a stump where their hand used to be. Y’all had better watch out when the locals start acting locally.

  3. Unrelated:

    It looks like Kelly Anne Conway will be leaving the white house.

    Her 15 Year old daughter seems to have lost her shit and asked AOC to adopt her and is seeking emancipation from both parents.

    I feel very bad for Kelly

  4. This needs to happen everywhere. People need to fight for their community because the socialist and communist surely are fighting for the community. Even if you live in a moderate city, the locust will eventually come and destroy you city and education system. Look at what the socialist Californians have done to Colorado and Denver.

  5. You can only push good men just so far. They will let you know when they have had enough. The awakening to expel the tyranny of the Democrats is soon.

  6. Go Austinites on retaking the city council who have lost sight of what the citizens really deserve in the way of core needs.

    The Colorado Fort Collins Chamber of Commerce wrote their ideas in 2015 as follows:
    Like it or not, for good or bad, city government has a big impact on business in Fort Collins. For the most part, the impact is good. A well run, financially strong, clean local government is a great asset for business.

    However, while we enjoy good local government here in Fort Collins, we are only one vote away from a mess. Shift one of the positions on the current 7-member City Council towards the no-progress / no-growth end of the political spectrum, and economic progress lurches to a stop.

    So, what can we do about that? The Chamber Board has made finding and supporting good people for election to the City Council in 2015 a top priority this year. In April 2015 four seats will be up for election: mayor, District 2 (east central Fort Collins; incumbent Lisa Poppaw is term-limited), District 4 (southwest Fort Collins; incumbent Wade Troxell is term-limited), and District 6 (northwest Fort Collins; incumbent Gerry Horak is completing one term and is eligible to serve again.)

    Recently while explaining this to a group of business people, someone asked me to articulate what I mean by ‘good people’ when looking for Council candidates. Let me start by saying what we are NOT looking for. We do not want people who are dishonest and corrupt, we do not support people who are agenda-driven anti-progress ideologues, we are not interested in people who are uncommitted to the community and the job of Council, and we are not interested in novices who have shown little interest in civic engagement.

    In contrast to that are a half-dozen things we want to see in City Council candidates:

    Honest. The key characteristic for an elected official is their honesty in both their actions and being intellectually honest with their approach to issues.
    Balanced. A councilperson is a representative of all of the people, not a champion of a special interest group or a narrow perspective. Philosophically a good candidate is one that brings a balanced view. For example, they value the environment while understanding the need for a strong local economy; they support a viable street infrastructure while being open to alternative transportation. Being balanced also means being able to work well with professional city staff while not automatically deferring to their judgment.
    Committed. Doing the job right requires a significant dedication of time and energy. Constituent relations, attending meetings and reading voluminous material in preparation for meetings are all part of the job. Do work and family circumstances lend themselves to this person doing a good job for the community?
    Motivated. The primary motivation should be to serve the public interests. If this person is agenda-driven, power-hungry or captive to special interest agendas, s/he will not perform their duties with integrity and with a broader vision of what is in the interests of the overall community now and in the future. And, a good candidate must be motivated enough to campaign vigorously for the position.
    Experienced. Does this person have experience in their work and civic life that lends itself to this position? Does this person have the knowledge of the position, the governance of local government and the issues to be an effective councilperson? Everybody has life experiences that would lend an interesting perspective to Council, but some are more useful to the public than others. Has this person really prepared to take on this important civic duty?
    Electable. Does this person have the personal traits and the qualifications to make them a viable candidate in the eyes of the voting public? Are there issues or experiences in this person’s past that help or hurt them with the electorate?
    In 15 short months, we will be electing 4 people to a 7-member body that represents the other 150,000 people in town. It is very important to have people on the City Council who will represent us well with competence and integrity.

  7. The people who live in the vast areas outside the big cities find Austin an embarrassment to Texas. I hope some conservative candidates prevail over the libtards.

  8. I’m trying to get a viral message going telling governor Greg Abbot that we will remove him from office for his executive orders.
    We all need to start writing to your state governors telling them that if they mandate masks or shut down business by executive order that they will be removed from office!
    I’m so done.

  9. I’m in San Antonio and its no different. The city council is so deranged, doing all the same job killing, environmental, intersectional bullshit that is happening in Austin. It’s gotten so bad that people are starting to call San Antonio, “San Frantonio.“

  10. Yeah, wtf is up with governor Greg Abbot?
    He gets a little pressure put on him and he collapses.
    He keeps playing and Texas will end up with abortion barbie types as governor.

    Trust me. It happened to Nevada.


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