Texas Deploys Floating Barrier In Rio Grande River – IOTW Report

Texas Deploys Floating Barrier In Rio Grande River

OAN: Governor Greg Abbott has installed a stretch of buoys on the Rio Grande River that divides Texas and Mexico in an attempt to hinder migrants from crossing into Texas.

According to spokesperson for the Texas Department of Public Safety, Lt. Chris Olivarez, setting up the barriers could take up to two weeks.

At the border security bill signing ceremony on Thursday, the floating barrier was referred to as a “proactive way” by Steve McCraw, head of the Texas Department of Public Safety, to stop migrants from placing themselves at risk of drowning. He also stressed that the buoys will provide another level of border security.

“This was something that Border Patrol had already looked at, designed and even tested,” McCraw said.


18 Comments on Texas Deploys Floating Barrier In Rio Grande River

  1. stop w/ the gimmicks & build the frickin’ WALL like you promised!!!!

    Abbott has been a HUGE disappointment
    as they say in Texas … “all hat & no cattle”

  2. And at the same time there’s video of Texas National Guard cutting wire so wet backs can enter. Abbot could have secured Texas’s border long ago. I’m tired of getting played by amateur wheel chair bound morons. Nice try bitch.

  3. And Biden is giving away the panels that didn’t get put up.
    Just assuring plenty of criminals, thieves, pedophiles, and drugs make it across the border. Maybe throw in a big bunch of chinese shock troops.

  4. geoff – Just put out a news release that it has been stocked with the candiru, known as the “penis fish,” that will lodge itself in the urethra! That aughta make ’em think twice!

  5. “ The floating barrier will span 1,000 feet — covering a tiny fraction of the 1,254 miles the river spans along the Texas-Mexico border.”

    Sounds like more than “a tiny fraction” to my old math brain.


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