Texas- Don’t let Hollywood and Manhattan choose your politicians – IOTW Report

Texas- Don’t let Hollywood and Manhattan choose your politicians

Big Hollywood:

Carpetbagging: Hollywood Donating Big Bucks to Texas Dem Beto O’Rourke.

[…] Large individual contributions account for nearly 60 percent of O’Rourke’s contributions, with California and New York funneling in, collectively, more than $1.4 million, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics.

A Democrat looking to steal a seat in a deep red state, O’Rourke, like Ossoff, is facing an uphill battle. In a state that hasn’t elected a Democrat to the U.S. Senate since 1988, O’Rourke is currently down nine points to Sen. Cruz according to the latest Gravis Marketing poll, provided exclusively to Breitbart News.


11 Comments on Texas- Don’t let Hollywood and Manhattan choose your politicians

  1. We had some snot nosed democrat John Osadsack or some shit show up here in Georgia with a lot of democrat money behind him. The kid has a resume like a snowflake. Saturated the media with ads. Most of which turned out to be huge exaggerations of what he’s actually done.

    He didn’t get elected. Thank God.

  2. What is a Beto O’Rourke? Irish Mexican or Mexican Irish? Looking at his photos he looks like a skinny girly boy.

    Spend your money leftists. Bankrupt yourselves pursuing the impossible dream.

  3. His name is Robert Francis O’Rourke. Can’t get no mo white than that.

    He’s called Beto for the same reason every other guy named Robert or Roberto is. I.E. they think it sounds Mesikin.

  4. Actually this being Texas I’m surprised that Cruz is only leading by 9%. Looking at al the crap the Dems have pulled this past year or two how can this O’Rouke character come up with 42% support?

  5. due to the influx of refugees from California and other shithole states and the normal influx of Mexicans fleeing their failed country Texas will have a hard time staying blue much longer. Democrats control most of the major cities but do not control the vast rural areas. The sheer size of Texas’ rural areas is our saving grace.
    Beto is not going to best Cruz. He is from El Paso, has a skinny and uber liberal resume. The majority of Beto’s funding comes from Hollywood liberals and other anti Trumper types. This does not sit well with the majority of Texans.
    As far as mess on tx comment, stick it up your ass. You don’t know shit about Texas. Yeah, we have some islam pukes and they are right where we want them. We have them surrounded and will act appropriately when the time comes.


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