Texas, Georgia, Arizona: 3 cases studies of state oversight of troubled local elections – IOTW Report

Texas, Georgia, Arizona: 3 cases studies of state oversight of troubled local elections

Just The News
Republican-run Texas and Georgia have given state officials oversight of some local elections following issues in Democratic counties, while Arizona didn’t do so there was a Republican administration. 

Last week, the Texas House passed two pieces of election integrity legislation that were previously passed by the state Senate.

One gives the Secretary of State oversight of election officials statewide, and the other that eliminates the Harris County elections administrator position. The latter bill returns the management of elections to an elected county clerk and tax assessor-collector. 

Harris County, home to the city of Houston, has vowed to sue over the laws if they are signed by the governor. 

The county created the elections administrator office in 2020, which began operations shortly after the November presidential election. Despite spending tens of millions of dollars to overhaul the county’s election system, at least 10,000 ballots weren’t counted in the March 2022 primary election, causing the first administrator to resign.  read more

2 Comments on Texas, Georgia, Arizona: 3 cases studies of state oversight of troubled local elections

  1. I’m more interested in a case study of Maricopa County in AZ “Literally” stealing an election. Not once but twice. Then seeing true justice for treason being carried out. Until then it’s all downhill for this country.

  2. It’s my understanding that the Supremes verified the Constitution is mum on how States conduct their elections. Texas and other states should switch to in-person voting, on a single day, with paper ballots, hand counted twice. Boxes of ballots should be recounted by a different team and, if the results don’t match, count again. Gov Abbott and Lt Gov Dan Patrick seem to think everything is working just fine.

    Why should I bother voting if the game is so obviously rigged?


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