TEXAS: GOP Candidate Dan Crenshaw Responds After ‘SNL’ Mocks Him For Losing Eye In Afghanistan – IOTW Report

TEXAS: GOP Candidate Dan Crenshaw Responds After ‘SNL’ Mocks Him For Losing Eye In Afghanistan

DC: Texas Republican congressional candidate and former Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw issued a response after “Saturday Night Live” cast member Pete Davidson mocked him for losing an eye while serving in Afghanistan.

“Good rule in life: I try hard not to offend; I try harder not to be offended. That being said, I hope recognizes that vets don’t deserve to see their wounds used as punchlines for bad jokes,” Crenshaw posted to Twitter on Sunday.


“One of our Afghan interpreters stepped on a pressure plate right in front of me,” he said. “About 15 pounds of explosives dismembered him right in front of my face. It blinded me, shattered me and knocked me over.”  more here


Crenshaw For Congress <— Go say hi.

16 Comments on TEXAS: GOP Candidate Dan Crenshaw Responds After ‘SNL’ Mocks Him For Losing Eye In Afghanistan

  1. Somebody needs to go beat the ever living motherfuck out of Pete Davidson.

    Take a damn pencil and poke his right eye out. Then he could loudly proclaim ‘I lost my eye from being an asshole’.

    I’m sorry for the blatant profanity, but this story has spun me up into high rpm’s.

    Gawd…I hate these people

  2. dont worry about these snl people. they usually end up broke living here in los angeles chasing what’s left of the illusion of their snl career never to be heard of again. but every now and then you see they make the news, usually because they got a DUI or they were involved in a Hit and Run. they never learned how to live life after TV.

  3. Seeing this person, this Pete Davidson, gives me an interesting insight into the character of his former fiancé…that loveable little American donut licker, Ariana Grande.

    Water seeks its own level. Dirty water just needs to be flushed.

  4. It seems to me the problem comes from the Leftist entertainment media tacitly agreeing that the entire Left was off limits, making the only targets of their so-called comedy the right. But let’s face it, the only really funny material just keeps coming from the Left, and it doesn’t even require writers to make it funny. When SNL, Colbert, Kimmel and the rest try to make a gag out of a conservative, they can’t find anything bitingly funny about conservatives so they have to go for stuff that is just mean and contemptible. That’s not comedy.

    If I were a comedy writer I’d be pretty sore about not being able to poke fun at someone like Comey and his bizarre tweets, say, or MadMax Waters, or Booker’s “I am Spartacus!” moment. Makes you wish Carson was still around. He’d know what to do with them.

    Comedy is the ultimate water cooler talk and it’s so much easier to remember than “the news.” That’s why — even if it’s mocking an injured soldier — the Left knows no limits of taste so long as it’s degrading a political opponent.

  5. The thing is…I would love to live up to the likes of Dan Crenshaw. And I would be suicidal if my life was as wasteful as that blue haired slut that was practically incoherent on SNL.

  6. I’m old enough to remember how apoplectic The Left got if anyone criticized Max Cleland for any reason at all.

    He juggled his hand grenades and almost killed his squad so how dare you. Have you no decency??? Blah, blah, blah.

    In a world where poetic justice rules, Crenshaw can deliver his eulogy after he overdoses on fentanyl.

    Pete’s father died a heroic death as an NYFD fireman at the WTC on 9/11. Without a father, we can see that no one ever taught him how to grow up to be a man. Like most New Yorkers, he grew up to hate the people who fought back against those that attacked us. In his suicide, we’re officially counting his death in the final 9/11 death toll.

    Make it happen, Pete. The world wants to see “Patches” standing over your casket.


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