Texas GOP Chairman Allen West Resigns, Considers Run for Governor – IOTW Report

Texas GOP Chairman Allen West Resigns, Considers Run for Governor

MSN: Allen West, the chairman of the Texas Republican Party, resigned on Friday and hinted that he would consider running for governor.

West “has submitted his irrevocable resignation to the officials’ meeting as of 8am CT today,” the Texas GOP said in a press release. “He will remain at the helm of the Texas GOP until a new Chairman can be selected on July 11th at an undetermined location as of now.”

West said in a statement that “it has been my distinct honor to serve as Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas. I pray Godspeed for this governing body.”

In an interview about the announcement on WBAP radio, host Chris Salcedo asked West if he was planning to run for governor.

“Am I safe in assuming you are considering a run for governor?” Salcedo said. more here

5 Comments on Texas GOP Chairman Allen West Resigns, Considers Run for Governor

  1. stirrin – I honestly don’t know about Allen West. He came into Congress as a tea party favorite, but like a lot of other tea party candidates in that cycle, he ended up being a mixed bag. He sure knew what was wrong with Islam and could quote Patrick Henry at length…”Sunshine soldier… but he’s had quite a checkered political career. I don’t understand how he ended up as the chair of the TX GOP (and I hold all official state GOP positions in suspicion). I guess I always wondered why he retired as a Lt. Col. They almost give you full Col. before retirement; part of the Army taking care of its own so that the retirement benes are bigger.


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