Texas Gov Abbott inexplicably trashes Gab as anti-Semitic platform, Texas GOP and company CEO fire back – IOTW Report

Texas Gov Abbott inexplicably trashes Gab as anti-Semitic platform, Texas GOP and company CEO fire back

BPR: Seemingly out of the left-field, as it were, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has spoken out against Big Tech censorship, has condemned Twitter competitor/alternative Gab as anti-Semitic, even though the state GOP has an account on the social media platform with 18,000 followers.

Flanked by State Reps. Phil King and Craig Goldman, the GOP governor said in a brief video clip that has gone viral that “anti-Semitic platforms like Gab have no place in Texas and certainly do not represent Texas values. What does represent Texas values is legislation like this by Representative King and Representative Goldman, that fights anti-Semitism in Texas.”

The legislation in question reportedly relates to the Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission and is purportedly unrelated to social media.

Last week, Abbott indicated that he was backing state legislation that would prevent social media companies like Facebook and Twitter from censoring conservatives.

Similar to the way Parler was treated, vested interests wary of competition have slammed Gab for offensive content. That kind of content is ever-present on social media generally, Gab or anywhere else, however. Critics argue that a double-standard is often in play on the major platforms where liberals are hardly ever sanctioned for extremely objectional posts or violations of terms-of-service standards. read more

14 Comments on Texas Gov Abbott inexplicably trashes Gab as anti-Semitic platform, Texas GOP and company CEO fire back

  1. Should we be cutting Abbott some slack? I mean really, look where his nose is at. The guy smells nothing but flagellation, unwashed butts, and smelly genitalia all day long. We should roll a mile on his wheels before we be so judgmental.

  2. If he wants anti-Semitic he need look no further than ANY SINGLE ONE of the “progressive” blogs, websites or platforms. Anti-Semitism is woven throughout the fabric of EACH AND EVERY ONE of them.

  3. @ Anonymous MARCH 12, 2021 AT 1:05 PM

    Pretty much

    If anyone had told prior to 2015 that I would have more respect for Donald Trump than any man alive I would have laughed. Today he has lapped the field and is still pulling away. He has not been infallible, no man other than Jesus Christ ever has had that capacity, yes he has made a few tactical errors, but the man has never welshed on a promise he made to the American people by dry shaving them when the opportunity arose. I cannot think of a single instance in which he has not made a good faith effort on our behalf. Not one.

  4. Raheem Kassam said on yesterday’s podcast of Bannon’s War Room that Gov Abbott sent a congratulatory letter to the CCP on their 70th anniversary. Sounds like Abbott is like Kemp, in the pocket of the CCP, and receiving $$$.

  5. Sadly Abbott is set on running for term 3 (big mistake not having term limits) and he has a war chest of money so likely no serious primary competition. As a Texan I’ve been disgusted with Abbott for the last year and have let his office know on multiple occasions. Unfortunately not voting for him would likely get us Beto. And some of his original donors are outraged saying he promised not to California our Texas and instead he has Chinese’d it. They just can’t hide who they really are. Sadly most of the elected GOP in Texas are RINOs.

  6. I HAVE seen the anti-Semitic speech on Gab. More than once. For a while, I was blocking a couple of disgusting accounts a day. Haven’t seen any more since then. But they were there.

  7. So Jews can’t be criticized? They own 96% of media, make up 97% of Hollywood execs and dominate tech, advertising and finance. Yet any criticism of them is sinful “anti-Semitism.” Why? Why can’t they be criticized without it being binaried into bigoted anti-Semitism?


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