Texas: Gov. Abbott’s call for more vehicle inspections at the border is causing delays – IOTW Report

Texas: Gov. Abbott’s call for more vehicle inspections at the border is causing delays

Texas Tribune

Commercial vehicles trying to enter the United States to deliver products from Mexico have been backed up for hours at Texas ports of entry following Gov. Greg Abbott’s directive on Wednesday that state troopers increase inspections.

“This continues to add disruption to our supply chain,” said Ermilo Richer, the owner of a 100-year-old logistics company in Laredo who said his trucks were taking between four and five hours to cross from Mexico. “It’s just something we don’t need right now.”

Abbott’s order is part of his push to stiffen security at the state’s southern border as the Biden administration in Washington, D.C., plans to end a pandemic-era emergency health order that had allowed federal officials to turn away migrants, even those seeking asylum. But officials in cities that depend on cross-border trade as economic engines fear negative impacts that the increased vehicle inspections could have.

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13 Comments on Texas: Gov. Abbott’s call for more vehicle inspections at the border is causing delays

  1. I’m not driving a truck, but I don’t have any problem with a “few hours’ delay for trucks entering at the border. We have to know what is coming into this country.
    “a few hours delay”
    How about all the shipping container vessels sitting offshore, waiting to be unloaded? I guess I forgot to forget about them. How many of those ships belong to mcconnel’s wife’s father?
    Search trucks coming into the country as needed, and test them not only for people, but for drugs too.

  2. As usual Rino’s get their asses in gear around re-election time. After he’s seated another term, he’ll backtrack to left of center.

  3. Brad, thanks for asking, I’m holding my turf. Doctors are wearing me out. Hadn’t seen you for a while and I was wondering about you. Glad to see you/”hear from you. Hope all is well with you and yours. Keep the faith brother.


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