Texas Gov. Greg Abbott: No more more lock-downs – IOTW Report

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott: No more more lock-downs


Gov. Greg Abbott said despite the increased numbers of coronavirus cases in Texas, he will not order any new lockdowns in his state.

“We are not going to have any more lockdowns in the state of Texas,” Abbott said to a Dallas radio host.

“Our focal point is gonna be working to heal those who have COVID,” he explained, “get them out of hospitals quickly, make sure they get back to their normal lives.”

Abbott had issued a statewide mask mandate for the state on July 2 after a spike in virus cases and hospitalizations.

That order called for “all Texans to wear a face covering over the nose and mouth in public spaces in counties with 20 or more positive COVID-19 cases, with few exceptions.” more

14 Comments on Texas Gov. Greg Abbott: No more more lock-downs

  1. Yeah well we still have a mask mandate and restaurants at 75%, some businesses like river rafting were never allowed to open. And there was a 12 hour food line in Dallas so if this is the bar to success I would say we are screwed.

  2. He’s not locking down, but he’s still a control freak. And control may be only a part of it. He may feel nervous because he’s physically handicapped and he is putting his emotional issues from it onto Texas’ shoulders.

  3. This is great but why don’t these guys mention all the studies that show lockdowns and masks don’t work? The evidence, the “science” says this is b/s. We need to counter the leftist/media lies whenever possible.

  4. What is the definition of “cases?” People who test positive? I have never been “tested” for the flu, so how can they use positive test results as a benchmark? And that isn’t even getting into the fraud that those tests are. As for hospitalizations, how many of them were for other conditions but the patients also happened to test positive for COVID?

  5. “Our focal point is gonna be working to heal those who have COVID,” he explained, “get them out of hospitals quickly, make sure they get back to their normal lives.”

    Then get busy having your state and county public health departments disseminate info on how to TREAT COVID-19 disease… which hospitals are doing what therapeutics, regimins, etc., lists of doctors with successes at treating the disease and what they’re doing, clinics that can help immediately with families that have no healthcare and refuse hospitalizations… ETC!

    Then, send your info to 49 other governors and tell them to get off their asses and practice PUBLIC HEALTH!

    Oh, and open your schools and let as many people as possible without compromised immune systems get exposed to the disease.

    Finally, most people who get COVID-19 do not require hospitalization. But they will benefit from the right treatment to ensure they DON’T require hospitalization!

  6. Something I advise every parent that is homeschooling against their will:

    Drop out of the school district. Each child in the public school system represents lots of government funding, which based on enrollment PLUS daily attendance.

    And on top of that, each military dependent enrolled in a public school system gets additional federal funds.

    If you are tasked with homeschooling, then home school without the district. They’ll lose tons of money they waste on programming your child to become a good little commie.

    Why are you still paying the teachers, when YOU the parent or a hired tutor are doing the work? Why do you think they call it virtual school, or whatever euphemism that will entitle them to the funds. In KY the ‘home school’ is run on an at school schedule. Ever wonder why? It’s called ‘seat time’. The school has to have a student ‘in a seat’ a certain time in order to get the full amount for that child.

    Why do you think truancy is so closely monitored? They lose money on truants, so they go after them. And if the ‘seat time’ has passed, let the kids go!

  7. ” …. there was a 12 hour food line in Dallas …. ”

    A food line could easily turn into a super spreader event so they should be banned. Those people should be required to stay in their homes and waif for the relief agencies to leave their minimum daily rations outside their doors, that’s the only way to keep us safe from one of the deadliest and most contagious diseases in human history.

    Write your governors and mayors and city councils to suggest, no demand, this action be taken while there is still time.

  8. Gov. Abbott, why don’t you end all ChinaVirus restrictions instead of talking about what you won’t do?

    Sure, not locking down ANY MORE of Texas is good, now unlock it all. You disappointed me already. Make up for it by making Texas Free Again!

  9. He has been catching shit from the freedom-loving faction in Texas. He’s just saying the minimum to keep the hounds at bay. I used to like him, but he’s shown his true blue colors during this pandemic.

  10. I appreciate this less-paternal attitude in TX, vs the clusterfuck of tyranny seen in other states. But our betters just need to find the confidence that we poor individual peons can take better care of our own personal environment than the state can take care of it for us.
    Thanks, Greg.

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