Texas Gov: Sanctuary Campuses Will Lose State Funding – IOTW Report

Texas Gov: Sanctuary Campuses Will Lose State Funding


Texas Gov. Greg Abbot says the state will cut off funding to any public school that declares itself a “sanctuary campus” for illegal immigrants.


Abbot made the announcement Thursday via Twitter, in response to a petition effort in the state by students seeking to have their universities protect illegal immigrants. Abbott made it clear such a move wouldn’t fly in Texas.


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13 Comments on Texas Gov: Sanctuary Campuses Will Lose State Funding

  1. For the most part, Texas is a no bullshit state. Bet your ass that this announcement isn’t go to go over very well in Austin at UTA, even though when you compare it to CU in Boulder, it’s night & day.

  2. The rudents at UMASS and Amherst College are demanding that their institutions become illegal alien sanctuaries. Hopefully they will achieve there goal; it will be amusing once President Trump removes their federal funding…to include loans and grants to students enrolled at those institutions.

    In other news, the American flag is again flying (A/O 12/02) over the campus of Hampshire College; it had been burned by students on Veterans (Armistice) Day.

  3. Make them civilly liable for any and all criminal acts perpetrated by criminals they are harboring and the phony balcony faculty will not be as eager to start this crap in the first place.

  4. Remember when ARIZONA tried to enforce immigration law and the feds told them “Nu-uh! It’s the federal gov’t job to enforce it.”

    Now Trump is in charge, and the liberals are saying, “Nu-uh! It’s a city’s right to enforce its own immigration policies.

    Um, something’s gotta give here doesn’t it? Is Joe Arpio going to be working at the federal level under Trump? That would be poetic justice wouldn’t it?

  5. College is for learning, not for giant babies prancing around thinking they know shit about crap, and telling the entire world how it’s gonna be from now on.
    All of this without any worldly achievements to recommend them
    Cut the power too, and see how resourceful they are.

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