Texas governor bans all COVID-19 vaccine mandates, including by private businesses – IOTW Report

Texas governor bans all COVID-19 vaccine mandates, including by private businesses

CBC: Biden administration set to require that employers with more than 100 workers ensure employees are vaccinated.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order on Monday to prohibit any entity — including private businesses — from enforcing a COVID-19 vaccine mandate on workers, and he called on state lawmakers to pass a similar ban into law.

The move comes as the Biden administration is set to issue rules requiring employers with more than 100 workers ensure their employees are either vaccinated or tested weekly for the coronavirus. 

“No entity in Texas can compel receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine by any individual, including an employee or a consumer, who objects to such vaccination for any reason of personal conscience, based on a religious belief, or for medical reasons, including prior recovery from COVID-19,” Abbott wrote in his order.

Texas-based American Airlines and Southwest Airlines rebuffed the state’s governor Tuesday, reiterating that they would comply with President Joe Biden’s executive order and require their employees be vaccinated for COVID-19 by the Dec. 8 deadline. In fact, both carriers have asked their U.S.-based employees to submit proof of vaccination by Nov. 24. more

12 Comments on Texas governor bans all COVID-19 vaccine mandates, including by private businesses

  1. Too bad the MO governor doesn’t have any balls. But he’ll find out when hundreds of thousands of healthcare workers, pilots, and truckers go on welfare — and hundreds of his hospitals close due to no staff.

    The longer this vaxx shit goes on the more people are going to stand against it.

  2. Erik, I believe you are right. This and the DOJ harassing parents will seal the doom of these assholes, on top of the impeachable offenses of border, private property rights, Afghanistan, etc..

  3. Here’s my opinion on this: I’ve heard the Pres Brandon Biden’s Exec order on mandatory vax has not been signed. Multiple Attorneys General are sitting on lawsuits waiting for Biden to issue the Exec Order. I believe Gov Abbot’s TX Exec order is partially to force a confrontation with Biden & the Feds, which will highlight that the Fed Exec order has not yet been issued/signed.

  4. So we are reduced to kings and princes issuing edict to the peasants to either harm or heal them. I remember when we had laws passed by legislatures that followed the constitution and everyone was expected to obey them.

  5. Abbott had to do this because the fucking assholes in the Biden administration are going to cause not only a crisis in health care staffing but in key labor sources in all sectors of the economies. The employers probably appreciate it as much as the employees. Anyone who agrees with enforcing these mask and vaccine mandates is a piece of shit and deserves to be told so to their face.

  6. “…for any reason of personal conscience, based on a religious belief, or for medical reasons, including prior recovery from COVID-19,”

    I don’t like the qualifiers. Entities will easily workaround this by making strict requirements and forcing proof of such, that will be heavily investigated, as they are already doing. Piss poor try Abbott.

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