Texas Governor Deprives Sanctuary County Of $1.5 Million Grant – IOTW Report

Texas Governor Deprives Sanctuary County Of $1.5 Million Grant


Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott cut off state funds to a county that provides sanctuary to illegal immigrants Wednesday, following through on an earlier pledge to punish such sanctuary cities and localities.

Travis County will no longer have access to $1.8 million in state criminal justice grants, Abbott announced in a letter to county officials, because of a new sanctuary policy implemented by the county sheriff. The policy at issue instructs staff at the sheriff’s department to release illegal immigrants booked in the local jail rather than assist the federal government in deporting them, unless they have been charged with murder, aggravated sexual assault or human smuggling.

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17 Comments on Texas Governor Deprives Sanctuary County Of $1.5 Million Grant

  1. Hernandez’s stance on cherry picking laws she will enforce and her refusal to work with other law inforcement entities is a slap in the face to John Q Citizen. She was elected to enforce all laws. If she cant or will not do that then she should resign or be fired. Its not open for debate.

  2. A good start. Well done Governor Abbott!

    Don’t just fire this saboteur Sheriff.
    The Feds should arrest her on Federal felony charges including conspiracy to aid & abet, harboring illegals, harboring fugitives, etc.
    Under Federal law she’s also personally responsible for all murders and other “capital crimes” committed by illegals in her jurisdiction.
    Enforcing that last one will send a shockwave throughout the Leftist apparatus nationwide.

    Fun times ahead. MAGA!

  3. The Sherriff tries to justify her stance by dragging out the old tired line that an illegal is less likely to report a crime because the threat of deportation. What’s missing is that it’s likely the person committing the crime against them is also an illegal. If the Sheriffs rational is true then fine, let them get attacked by their fellow illegals. They’ve already proved they wouldn’t make good citizenship materiel, only fodder for the gangs and other criminals in the country just as illegally.

  4. “The Eyes of Texas are upon you,
    All the livelong day.
    The Eyes of Texas are upon you,
    You cannot get away.
    Do not think you can escape them
    From night ’til early in the morn —
    The Eyes of Texas are upon you
    Til Dinah blows her horn.”

    Wait, what – ?


  5. First, she’s a woman. We gave women too much power in this country, starting with the right to vote. Second, she’s a white woman with a Hispanic name. Is she bias or was I born yesterday? F*&^ this bitch, send in the National Guard next. Have a nice day!

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