Texas Governor Signs Election Integrity Law – IOTW Report

Texas Governor Signs Election Integrity Law

Becker News

It was well worth the wait. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has finally signed an election reform bill into law that will help ensure that the 2022 mid-term elections aren’t as much of a debacle as 2020.

State Senator Bryan Hughest touted the bill being signed into law.

“If folks will look at what’s in the bill, they will find simple, common sense reforms that the people of Texas are calling for,” Hughes also told KETK.

According to Fox 4, the Texas election integrity bill accomplishes a number of objectives to ensure that elections are free, fair, and legitimate.

“The bill regulates early voting hours, bans drive-thru voting and allows poll watchers to record voters who receive help filling out ballots,” the news site reports. “It will also become a crime for local election officials to reject an appointed poll watcher or send out unsolicited applications/ballots for voting by mail.” read more

9 Comments on Texas Governor Signs Election Integrity Law

  1. I am reading about liberal companies moving out of Texas because of the abortion laws just passed.
    Texas has found the answer on how to keep liberals out of their state, to keep their state from turning Commie blue, from spreading their (D)isease: pass laws that they HATE.
    The immunization is abortion laws, voting laws, free speech laws.
    Democrats – GO AWAY

  2. @ MR. Anth Ropy

    Hope you are right, and hope same happens in GA. Between changing demographics and voter fraud, I’m considering moving to Alabama. Might have to find a distant cousin to marry and knock some teeth out to fit in, but at least they vote right.

  3. This is a start, but states need to end all mail in voting and that includes absentee voting with the only exception being the military and the military needs to deliver those ballots, not USPS. We should only have one voting day with photo ID and you vote in person. This early voting for a month is ignorant. Finally only paper ballots and no machines counting votes.

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