Texas: Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo Checks Herself into Treatment Facility For Clinical Depression – IOTW Report

Texas: Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo Checks Herself into Treatment Facility For Clinical Depression

GP: Texas – Far-left Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo announced she will be taking a leave of absence to seek treatment for clinical depression.

“Based on my doctor’s recommendation, I checked myself into an out-of-state facility to receive inpatient treatment in late July,” the corrupt Democrat said in a statement.

She continued, “It is important for me personally and professionally to confront this issue swiftly, so I will be taking temporary leave from the office while I am receiving treatment.”

Hidalgo said she hopes to resume her normal schedule by early September.

Recall, Lina Hidalgo ‘won’ her reelection in 2022 by nearly 16,000 votes against a popular Republican opponent.

Hidalgo’s top three staffers are under indictment and law enforcement booed her during a commissioners court meeting last October. more

10 Comments on Texas: Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo Checks Herself into Treatment Facility For Clinical Depression

  1. Hidalgo didn’t win shit. The election was stolen just like the presidential election. She knows the hammer is about to fall. That taco-bending POS needs to be in jail.

  2. Soooo … why an “out-of-state” facility?
    Texas has no indigenous mental health facilities?
    She doesn’t trust them?
    Or, maybe, she’s headed to an “out-of-state” facility in a place where there’s no extradition?

    I smell BULLSHIT!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Of course she went out of state… Probably to Oregon, or Mexico, where she can obtain “treatment” with shroom’s or lick central-american toads, etc… And more importantly, meet and conspire with her fellow traveler’s on our dime.



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