Texas Hospital Administers a COVID-19 Vaccine on Video. There’s Just One Glaring Problem… – IOTW Report

Texas Hospital Administers a COVID-19 Vaccine on Video. There’s Just One Glaring Problem…

PJMedia: This is rather inexcusable. The University Medical Center in El Paso, Texas, decided to televise COVID-19 vaccines for staff members. I am sure the leaders’ intentions were good. Showing medical workers taking the vaccine helps to increase confidence in the process and may encourage those hesitant to receive it.

However, if you watch this video of this vaccination, the syringe is clearly empty. The black plunger is fully depressed when the person administering it correctly pulls back on it. The vaccine is an intramuscular, or “IM,” injection. When you give someone an IM injection, you pull back slightly to ensure you have not mistakenly entered a blood vessel. more

16 Comments on Texas Hospital Administers a COVID-19 Vaccine on Video. There’s Just One Glaring Problem…

  1. Fake news, fake video’s, fake just about everything!
    I’m glad my POTUS is real! Maybe not as polished as some would wish but I’ll take a “real”American loving Patriot any time!

  2. …and another thing-
    I call for an independent audit of the MAR (medical administration record) of the facility where this was done.
    The AMA should be all over this
    is this acceptable practice?
    do they do inter-shift med counts? Not only the administering nurse, but everyone that has signed the MAR at shift start has either consented or not performed a proper med count. And yes I know about eMAR’s, which require a digital signature.
    and they’re playing with people’s lives
    totally unacceptable.

    but, no

  3. Everythings BIG in texas, even the fake inoculations.
    this is BULLSHIT, and if it was real, they wasted a 2nd one on the same idiot just to prove it was real and not FAKE.
    what a bunch of BIG texans, just keepin it realz for the BIG show.

  4. @billyhall2006:

    it is inoculation, not vaccination

    Hey, thank you! Learning new things about words is a pleasure. Your comment made me look both up and now I know that vaccinia is cowpox, and vaccine originally referred only to using cowpox material to generate immunity to smallpox.

    I also learned that we have Louis Pasteur to blame for the now common (mis)use of the term vaccination to refer to ANY immunizing inoculation. Fooey on Louis.

    Again, thanks for the drive-by education.

  5. Billyhall- The AMA is a political organization now. Only about 12% of doctors belong anymore. It is a coding operation that is tied to the hip of Washington bureaucrats and special interest groups. They will probably openly support this phony photo-op.

  6. In re the fainting nurse:
    With the proviso that anyone can say anything on web sites, one site is saying that she was a resident of DeKalb County, AL and that the county coroner’s office has now listed her as deceased.
    Interesting, if true.


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