Texas is shipping illegals to DC – IOTW Report

Texas is shipping illegals to DC

NOW – Texas is preparing charter buses to send illegal immigrants to Washington D.C., Governor Greg Abbott announces.

27 Comments on Texas is shipping illegals to DC

  1. And where will DC send them?

    Although, if Texas plants them deep in the neighborhoods (like around AOC and them) or in DC mayor’s neighborhood, or where the feds can’t pick them out, then that would be interesting.

  2. Good idea, but I thought Texas was going to send the Texas Rangers and volunteers to defend the border. What happened to that idea? And I thought Texas was going to continue building the wall? What happened to that?

  3. That’s just silly. Washington is a full day from Austin. Just ship the ones scooped up in west Texas from El Paso to Palm Springs, (about eleven hours,) and ship the ones caught in east Texas from Texarkana to Cairo, Illinois, (about seven hours.) Red state to blue state. Done, done.

  4. Who does he think he’s kidding?

    1) these invaders already have their destination orders via the cartels who have their own “watchers” on this side of the border to ensure they’re sent to strategic towns/cities where they can work off their debt to the cartels…or else.
    2) just TRY putting the invaders on busses without their consent to any town other than cartel sanctioned. He’d have the entire Press, FBI, DHS and prob military on him quicker than he can say “I surrender!”

    Political ploy, that’s all.
    He’s no Ron DeSantis.

  5. Well, our Guv constantly strives to show himself the living effigy of our Texan sobriquet, ‘All hat, no cattle’! This is nothing but more of his puerile performance art…with a carefully jaundiced eye on November. He knows full well that this will be stopped long before any bus tires can cross state lines headed east.

    If he was really serious, it would already be happening, in the dead of night, without benefit of shouting out his intentions to the enemy.

    None of our tax dollars should be wasted on this sham. Beef up border security, instead. If he does manage to herd them into buses, Texas should ship ’em down to Mexico’s southern boarder. It’s a shorter drive.



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