Texas Judge Rejects Obama’s Transgender Directive – IOTW Report

Texas Judge Rejects Obama’s Transgender Directive

CFP: WICHITA FALLS, TX—Just in time for back to school, a federal judge in Texas has barred the Obama administration’s directive to U.S. public schools that so-called “transgender” students must be allowed to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of their chosen gender identity.

The ruling by U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor on Sunday applies to schools nationwide and comes after Texas and 12 other states challenged the Obama directive as unconstitutional during a hearing in Fort Worth last week.

4 Comments on Texas Judge Rejects Obama’s Transgender Directive

  1. Within the next eighteen months, give or take, the Supreme Court will decide whether the directive is constitutional.

    The next Supreme Court justice will be appointed about six months from now.
    The next president will decide who fills the Court’s open seat.

    Maybe some #nevertrump guru can explain why this doesn’t matter, or if it does matter, how do the nevetrumpers justify taking their votes away from Trump, love him or hate him. Just curious.

  2. Because Trump told us what type of judges he will appoint… people like his sister.
    So he means his relatives, most of whom are liberal democrats, or he means liberal Clinton appointees such as his sister.
    And either reading fits with his lifelong support of Democrat politicians and causes.

    So if Trump isn’t going to appoint conservative justices, agrees with and supports Hillary far more than he has disagreed with her, is outright hostile to half of the Bill of Rights, has publicly stated he will order US troops to commit war crimes, and has said he doesn’t want the conservative vote.. why should I choose him over Hillary again?

  3. Jesus H Christ Howard, war crimes? Give me a break. I’d vote for Bernie if he would shut down the damn border.


    Anyone who supports Clinton, Kasich, Romney, Ryan or Jeb supports giving democrats a permanent electoral lock within 5 years. Get that through your thick skull and get over Trump. He’s all we got.

  4. I’ll agree with you, immigration is one of the top issues.

    So I look at Trumps statements, all of them past and present, on the subject.

    He’s complained that Mitt Romney’s immigration plan was too harsh.
    He was a big Schumer supporter… during the Gang of 8
    For his own business he’s a fan of h1bs.
    His own (current) wife basically stated she was illegally working as an immigrant
    Trump stated we should be welcoming the Syrian “refugees” and he would take them in.

    And when asked about his surrogate, Rep Chris Collins, running around touting a virtual deportation (a.k.a. amnesty), Trump responded that it was under negotiation.

    Even look at Trumps big supporters in the Republican party- Priebus, Christie, Guiliani… barring Sessions, its not the immigration hardliners. Its the ProAmnesty, Chamber of Commerce loving sellouts.

    So enforcing immigration law is off the table this election, because less face it, Hillary & even the LP are bad on this issue as well.

    You’re left with a oranger, slightly healthier looking Bill Clinton, complete with a love of Epstein’s pedo island and his own set of rape charges.

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