Texas Law Is Antidote To California’s Sanctuary Madness – IOTW Report

Texas Law Is Antidote To California’s Sanctuary Madness

Daily Caller: For those who respect the rule of law and value America’s sovereignty, recent developments in California have been cause for dismay. The governor and several mayors there have thumbed their noses at our federal immigration laws, to the point where they are now actually tipping off illegal aliens about operations by federal immigration officers. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has announced a lawsuit against the state, but today’s judiciary has proven to be as infected with political partisanship as any other branch of government. It’s a frustrating mess.

Before you hurl a brick at your monitor or chuck your phone, there is good news. A recent decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit strongly upheld Senate Bill 4, a law in Texas that requires all local police agencies in the state to honor immigration detainers issued by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and forbids cities, counties and local agencies from enacting or imposing non-cooperation or sanctuary policies.

Yes, America, sanity and state governments are not total strangers in some pockets of the country.

The Immigration Reform Law Institute submitted a friend-of-the-court brief in support of Texas in the appeals court case for some very specific reasons. The Supremacy Clause of the constitution is under attack in this country. Grandstanding governors and mayors seeking to burnish their open borders credentials are treating federal law as if it were an a la carte restaurant menu. America suffered the bloodiest war in its history over this issue and, as Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently commented, the matter has been settled. States must comply with federal law and if they do not, what we have is not a country but a loosely-affiliated group of de facto nation-states who are free to deviate from whatever laws they wish. This cannot and must not continue. READ MORE

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