Texas Lawmakers Consider Secession Over Life Under Democrat Marxism – IOTW Report

Texas Lawmakers Consider Secession Over Life Under Democrat Marxism

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17 Comments on Texas Lawmakers Consider Secession Over Life Under Democrat Marxism

  1. I live in Texas. Much as I would like it if the state seceded, there is no way its going to happen. Too many minorities here, like Californians. Their rights trump ours.

  2. The current civil war is not geographic, liberalism is a cancer that has invaded every state to one extent or another. Secession will likely NOT be successful without forced removal of libtards. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

  3. I don’t think Secession is necessary- Texas should just declare itself a “sanctuary state” which will ignore all federal laws, and refuse to assist federal officials in enforcing any federal laws, and will no longer require it’s citizens to pay federal taxes. The precedence has already been set by sanctuary cities which defy federal law with impunity, and suffer no consequences.

    Side bar: I’m checking out Texas real estate.

  4. Predictable – it was getting thrown around when berry bisexual was WH placeholder.
    Hope it gets more traction this time, but of course The 5 D cities will be whiney bitches.

  5. Well, I think Texas should proceed and maybe other states will join. That maybe the road forward. It may result in a Civil War, but with a bunch of states allied in the effort, it may have a chance. I can think of Oklahoma, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Florida, and more. That would shake up the bastards in DC. Each state has its own NG, so we get some military muscle.

    To start it we need some brave people in power who can do more than talk. The Governors of some states fit that bill.

  6. I think South and North Dakota would be in, also Alabama, Mississippi. Since Canada is an ash heap, maybe Alberta, Saskatchewan and Northern BC might be interested in joining. Then we’d get a land connection to Alaska. The middle part of the continent would be conservative country. It has the best scenery and massive resources. The coasts can fuck off.

  7. Well, the Supreme Court pretty much made Oklahoma Indian Territory again, so it should be pretty easy to say to hell with the federal government, but then you’d have to wean the tribes off all that federal money.

  8. “… crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women.”

    Or maybe we could slink away to Mexico? Our gold would come in handy to pay ransom.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. @Kcir
    We both live in the same community.
    When Justin first got in i thought of it as an abrogation.
    Second time through i thought i was loosing it.
    Third time! I will be doing a header off Danforth onto the Gardiner. Watch for it on CP 24.

  10. “… crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women.” -Tim

    People have been writing that on blogs for over a decade and now it has new meaning. The only thing to change is the word “women.”

    Choice of words to replace “women”:

    (Select all that apply.)

    □ Faggots
    □ Partners
    □ Pedophiles
    □ Drug dealers
    □ Sugar daddies
    □ Chinese masters
    □ Other ______________________________


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