Texas: Lubbock Dems crop Melania out of photo [‘an honest mistake’] – IOTW Report

Texas: Lubbock Dems crop Melania out of photo [‘an honest mistake’]

The photo originally had GWH Bush in the center.  In the cropped photo, he’s on the right looking out of place and Michelle 0bama’s arm is missing.  How was this ‘an honest mistake’?

Republicans don’t have to lift a finger to prove how repulsive Democrats are. They are proving it themselves each and every day in everything they do.  Read here.


But hey, everyone makes mistakes, right?


17 Comments on Texas: Lubbock Dems crop Melania out of photo [‘an honest mistake’]

  1. These phucking people are so phucking childish. The same type of phucking assholes who drove Milo out of Churchhill’s Bar; the same type that find nothing good in our President or his family. They are phucking horrible people. They ought to be tarred and feathered, and beaten with an axe handle, the favored weapon of a Patriot if he didn’t own a musket. Sickening.

  2. Probably said this before on IOTW so pls forgive the repeat. Democrats are nothing more/nothing less than Communists. Communism flows in their veins. It’s the marrow in their bones and fills the cells throughout their broken bodies…and they were almost there…so close they could caress and taste that sweet, sweet takeover…and then DJT drops in for a chat. Yet, they will never give up. The threat will go on until the end of time.

  3. Yeah, I’ve been cropped out of the step-family’s photo before… the photo cut to an odd size with the gift I brought to the party as the focal point of the pic and me missing. It’s diss-honest and it’s no mistake.


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