Texas Man arrested outside Florida Governor’s Mansion after trapping himself in concrete-filled barrels – IOTW Report

Texas Man arrested outside Florida Governor’s Mansion after trapping himself in concrete-filled barrels

Tallahassee Democrat: A man protesting the handling of coronavirus in state prisons was taken into custody Friday morning after he trapped himself in two concrete-filled barrels outside the Governor’s Mansion, police said. 

Jordan Mazurek, 28, was first seen outside the fence of the mansion in downtown Tallahassee around 6 a.m. He identifies himself on social media as a sociologist from Fort Worth, Texas, and the “national organizer and co-creator of the Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons.”

Tallahassee police officers tried to talk Mazurek out of the protest, spokesman Kevin Bradshaw said. When they realized he was not going to stop, they began using jackhammers to remove the concrete in the barrels surrounding his hands. MORE

18 Comments on Texas Man arrested outside Florida Governor’s Mansion after trapping himself in concrete-filled barrels

  1. He could have removed his arms, so they should have just put a little itching powder down the arm holes he was using to encourage him to take them out instead of using a jack hammer to do it.

    Safer for everyone that way.

  2. I notice the Florida press is starting to put the state of origin of the perpetrator of weird crimes In their stories. However, like the press everywhere else, they never mention the COUNTRY of origin when the perp is Mexican.

  3. Flip him onto his side and give the dogs a place to piss (and the hobos).

    It’s the FLU dude – nothing to get excited about – get a grip.

    Why waste time on a Laugh-o-Matic?

    izlamo delenda est …


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