Texas Middle School Cheerleaders Suffer First, Second-Degree Burns After Alleged Punishment By Coach – IOTW Report

Texas Middle School Cheerleaders Suffer First, Second-Degree Burns After Alleged Punishment By Coach

Daily Caller

Middle school cheerleaders in Lubbock, Texas suffered first and second-degree burns Wednesday afternoon after they were allegedly punished by their coach, KAMC reported.

The coach allegedly forced 13 Evans Middle School cheerleaders to perform “bear crawls” and “crab walks” on a scorching-hot outdoor track around 2 p.m. for cheering at a football game she did not want them to attend, KAMC reported.

“We told her our hands are burning, and she said she didn’t care,” one cheerleader, who asked the outlet to remain anonymous, said. more

18 Comments on Texas Middle School Cheerleaders Suffer First, Second-Degree Burns After Alleged Punishment By Coach

  1. “An investigation is ongoing as parents hope the coach will face criminal charges.”

    Here’s the bottom line. Anything less than if it had been the children of the US Senate and House lets you know the score.

    The facts seem to be apparent and undisputed. What the fuck is there to investigate? Arrest and charge the bitch and take her off the public payroll immediately. Charge her with however many felonies she obviously committed.

    Sue her ass through the floor.

  2. Ashley Nimry – Cheerleading Coach – Evans Middle School

    The schools are full of these sadistic See You Next Tuesdays. They have circled the wagons and are actively involved in hiding her identity from the public.

  3. Unfortunately, the school district will be the one to pay any lawsuits… It is the school’s fault for keeping the bitch on their payroll, but it’s the taxpayers that pay for everything…

  4. All the condemnation of that sadistic authoritarian “coach” is unquestionably deserved. But I’m concerned about what was going on in the heads of the student cheerleaders who continued hurting themselves after objecting to the mistreatment. Why the hell didn’t they simply stop? Are they that brainwashed? Was this episode simply one more in a desensitizing series of operant conditioning “treatments” of increasing brutality?

  5. …hand burns, even second degree, are considered critical and need to be evaluated by a specialist…

    “Anatomic location – The anatomic location of a burn often directs treatment. Burns on the face, hands, feet, and genitalia as well as large burns in other areas of the body are often referred to burn centers for specialized expertise.”

    …and with any burn the skin barrier is damaged, opening an avenue for any number of infections. These girls recieved their injuries on a high school track tarmac, not a particuarly clean surface to begin with, with sweat and spit and whatever’s on the bottom of someone’s shoe potentially entering the wound…and then being held in place by hot tar, which can also be a burn management issue as it reduces the efficacy of any external cooling while keeping the area hot even AFTER physical contact with the track ends.

    And the young ladies may well have recieved injuries to their knees as well, if dressed as cheerleaders normally dress, which could result in scarring which itself may be traumatic to a school-age girl.

    Fired is not enough here. This woman needs to be held personally liable and impoverished, any licensure permanantly revoked and made unemployable by any school anywhere, and the district that hired her helf financially liable as well.

    Pediatric burns are a tragedy.

    When caused by malice they are an outrage.

  6. @ Uncle Al TUESDAY, 15 OCTOBER 2024, 12:49 AT 12:49 PM

    “Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

    In order to become a teacher, it is mandatory to at a bare minimum claim to believe absurdities. The schools are demonstrably under control of absolute tyrants.

  7. Thank you, JD Hasty, for doing the job the schools refuse to do. They are all run by men like Tim Walz and women like his wife. Or women like Barky’s wife.

    They close ranks around their teachers and coaches, and for some reason, the cowardly media lets them do it. There should be no law which forbids disclosure of the names of adult miscreants in our school systems, and there probably isn’t, just school “policy”, which the media slavishly obeys. Screw that noise.


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