Texas: migrants arrested in illegal alien clown-house raid – IOTW Report

Texas: migrants arrested in illegal alien clown-house raid

Breitbart –

Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents teamed up with local law enforcement to disrupt multiple human smuggling operations. The raids on human smuggling stash houses and stopped transport vehicles led to the arrest of more than 100 migrants in a single day.

Rio Grande City Station agents received information about a possible human smuggling stash house near the border in Roma, Texas, on the morning of November 10, Border Patrol officials said in a recent statement. The agents teamed up with Roma Police Department officers to investigate the house.

Upon entry into the home, the agents found 46 migrants locked inside. Agents conducted an initial medical screening and immigration interview. They identified the 46 people as residents of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico. All were illegally present in the United States, officials stated. more

5 Comments on Texas: migrants arrested in illegal alien clown-house raid

  1. Welcome to USA where do you want you’re benefits $ sent? When can we bring your extended family? We’re do you want to work? What schools do your children want to go to? What doctor / hospital is convenient? Don’t worry we got your back Eff America!


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