Texas: Mother Arrested After Son Endures 323 Hospital Visits and 13 Unnecessary Surgeries – IOTW Report

Texas: Mother Arrested After Son Endures 323 Hospital Visits and 13 Unnecessary Surgeries

Breitbart – A Texas mother has been accused of trying to gain attention for herself by subjecting her eight-year-old son to 323 hospital procedures and 13 dangerous surgeries, authorities say.

Police have charged 34-year-old Dallas resident Kaylene Bowen with perpetrating what some call Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a mental condition whereby a parent subjects a child to unnecessary medical procedures so that the parent can gain people’s sympathy.

Dallas police arrested Bowen after doctors finally raised the alarm about the boy’s medical history. The child’s father said that he had been trying to get someone to listen to his worries for years, Fox News reported.

“It was always the same story: Christopher is dying,” father Ryan Crawford told The Star-Telegram. “The father doesn’t need to be around because he doesn’t know how to take care of him. Every time I went to court, they made me feel like I was the worst human ever.”

 The paper reported that Bowen repeatedly took son Christopher to hospitals and doctors throughout the Dallas, Fort Worth area – since he was a two-year-old. At various points, he was forced to use oxygen, was confined to a wheelchair, and was subjected to a feeding tube. Bowen even tried to get the boy put on a lung transplant list at one point.

Ryan Crawford slammed the system for his son’s eight-year ordeal. “It’s horrible for my son, or any kid because obviously, my son is not the only one that has had to go through this type of torture. The system has to be exposed – all the weaknesses that are in the system – because the kids don’t deserve that,” he said.  read more

11 Comments on Texas: Mother Arrested After Son Endures 323 Hospital Visits and 13 Unnecessary Surgeries

  1. What we have here is an example of a health system hungry to consider anything moving as a revenue source, a court system where the father is automatically guilty of something because he’s male and an insane mother crazy enough to take advantage of both!

  2. This is a story that is quite common. People in the medical community need to start going to prison over this. I can’t help but wonder what will happen to these decent people who spoke up ” doctors finally raised the alarm about the boy’s medical history”

  3. @Plantsman–I got a feeling from the article that the dad was not in the home (divorced or sperm provider) so he had no legal standing. That is certainly another glitch in the system.

  4. ObolaCare – writ large.

    Simple fact is: if she had to pay for this shit, it wouldn’t happen.
    The reverse being: if the doctors (staffs and hospitals) didn’t get paid for this shit, it wouldn’t happen.

    Not an example of “Good Samaritan” gone wild – more deeply disturbing than just the mother’s insanity.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @the Rat Fink:
    “What we have here is an example of a health system hungry to consider anything moving as a revenue source, a court system where the father is automatically guilty of something because he’s male and an insane mother crazy enough to take advantage of both!”

    Exactly! But you forgot to include Black Privilege” Most likely, everyone involved was afraid to be labeled “racist” if they blew the whistle.

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