TEXAS: Muslim student arrested for plotting Islamic State mass shooting at mall – IOTW Report

TEXAS: Muslim student arrested for plotting Islamic State mass shooting at mall

Geller Report: A North Texas student has been arrested for planning an Islamic State mass shooting at a popular shopping mall.

There will be no national marches against an ideology that calls for the wholesale slaughter of the “unbeliever.”

There will be no school walkouts against the erosion of our most basic freedoms, most importantly freedom of speech, by an invading ideology that punishes free speech with death.

There will be no protests against an ideology that has left millions slaughtered in its wake and has roiled the West since the massive Islamic attacks of 9/11.

There will be no mass media campaign against an ideology of misogyny, Jew-hatred, genocide and slavery.

On the contrary, this averted mass shooting massacre will be blamed on islamophobia. We will be beaten about our heads with leftwing propaganda about how Azizi-Yarand was widely misunderstood. Perhaps a schoolmate said something that Islamic superiority might deign blasphemous or offensive. Hence, death to the infidels! Blame Geller and Spencer!

When discussing potential places for the attack, Azizi-Yarand mentioned school as the “perfect place for an attack,” the affidavit said. Azizi-Yarand wrote a speech with his “message for America,” in which he described his plan to attack the shopping mall.

Azizi-Yarand sent more than $1,400 to other individuals to buy weapons and tactical gear, the news release said. read more

12 Comments on TEXAS: Muslim student arrested for plotting Islamic State mass shooting at mall

  1. Per report, he wanted to wait until he turned 18 to go full jihad. Is there something in their rule book whereas he receives only 36 virgins if he’s under the legal age?

  2. The idea of callously killing dozens of people or more with zero concern for another life shows a vacancy in these people that puts them in a category lower than insect life.
    They need to be rid of off this earth with the same cold measures.

    For those infesting the U.S. it would make a great sport hunters event to see who could bag the most.


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