Texas National Guard Uses Riot Shields to Protect Themselves Amid Biden Border Crisis – IOTW Report

Texas National Guard Uses Riot Shields to Protect Themselves Amid Biden Border Crisis

GP: Texas officials seized 47 acres bordering the Rio Grande and forced the US Border Patrol out of the area so the Texas National Guard can protect their own state.

Since this move took place, the Biden regime struck back, asking the U.S. Supreme Court to get involved.

The following video on X shows how difficult the situation has become in Eagle Pass, Texas

The Texas National Guard is using riot shields to protect themselves from illegals attempting to cross the border through the razor wire barrier. Some succeed in getting through while posing a danger to the Guardsmen. One was almost hit in the head by a rock thrown by an illegal. more

13 Comments on Texas National Guard Uses Riot Shields to Protect Themselves Amid Biden Border Crisis

  1. Time for Gov Abbott to authorize the Texas National Guard to bring out…AND USE….the gunz and boolits.
    When illegals are crossing through razor wire and throwing rocks, they are now INVADERS, and need to be shot on sight.
    And if the CBP attempt to interfere, they can be 1) warned, 2) arrested and detained, or 3) they can be shot also.

  2. An invading force, no matter how irregular and ill equipped, is still an invading force.

    Texans need to watch their six on this operation. Want a black swan event? Watch what the feds® do on the flanks of these patriots.

  3. “I am sorry but they need to shoot a couple.”

    A couple of hundred thousand.
    These are INVADERS! Not migrants, not undocumented “workers,” not “dreamers,” but unrepentant invaders of military age and unknown designs (unknown to the moronic traitors in gov’t – not to Americans).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. It’s a hell of a note our own government is encouraging the destruction of our country. There is no doubt. The evidence is clear. This invasion is now pressuring the entire country and will have dire consequences. Those who support liberal politicians are complicit in our demise.

  5. Any and all costs of this BS operation should be taken right out of law makers and judges pay checks, not taxpayers wallets. WTF are they up to???? We either have a functional government or it’s just an illusion !!! America is taking on water and it’s going to sink and be gone if it is not fixed soon.

  6. “… should be taken right out of law makers and judges pay checks, not taxpayers wallets.”

    Where did it come from to get into their wallets?
    From the taxpayers.
    Unless you want to take it out of their graft and corruption “earnings.”
    And that comes from the taxpayers, too.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Mostly peaceful folks, sounds like … Dis fake attempt from Abbott is nuttin burder. Will not work. Butt hey, Mexico will pay fer it? That o so glorious Wall fixed SHIT.

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