Texas Now Investigating 386 More Cases Of Voter Fraud, Attorney General Tells CPAC – IOTW Report

Texas Now Investigating 386 More Cases Of Voter Fraud, Attorney General Tells CPAC

TeamTuckerCarlson: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton told an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on July 11 that his office is investigating nearly 400 more alleged cases of voter fraud and told audience members that concern about election fraud isn’t overblown.

The 386 cases that are being investigated are in addition to more than 500 cases that his office has prosecuted, Paxton said, without elaborating on the details of some of the cases.

“Do not believe the narrative, because in Texas we are going to fight election fraud,” Paxton said, noting that Republicans would have struggled during election day last year if his office hadn’t stopped local election officials from breaking rules around balloting.

Referring to claims that voter fraud doesn’t exist—made typically by Democrats—the Republican attorney general described it as a false narrative.

“People tell you there is no election fraud. Let me just tell you right now, my office has 511 counts in court because of COVID waiting to be heard. We have another 386 that we’re investigating,” he told the CPAC audience in Texas. “If you add those together, that’s more election fraud than my office has prosecuted since it started investigating election fraud years and years ago. So do not believe the narrative, because in Texas we are going to fight election fraud.” more here

5 Comments on Texas Now Investigating 386 More Cases Of Voter Fraud, Attorney General Tells CPAC

  1. Democrats view election fraud as a sport and they look at control of all government authority as a birthright and their childish ideas necessary to create a just society.
    Punish them for their illegal actions and they’ll scream persecution.
    Treating them like spoiled irrational children is necessary because there’s no way to get through to them logically so we may as well enjoy tormenting them.

  2. I like him and he better win his next election because the Bushies are trying to plant JEB!’s son as AG. Texas isn’t really free until they get rid of the Bushies. Just like AZ needs to be done with the McCains and Nevada needs to get rid of the Reids… You get the point.


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