Texas Nurses Vaccinated Children Without Proper Authorization – IOTW Report

Texas Nurses Vaccinated Children Without Proper Authorization

EnVolve: Texas nurses were caught vaccinating two young children without state authorization, the Epoch Times reported.

Julian Gonzalez took his 6-year-old son trick-or-treating at the Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church in Garland, Texas, on Halloween. While out, Gonzalez got a booster shot at a vaccine clinic at the church.

Upon learning the age of his son, the nurses claimed that he was eligible for the Pfizer vaccine, despite the fact that the Food and Drug Administration had not yet authorized the vaccine for children in that age bracket.

“Going off of their confidence and what we had read, we were all for it,” Gonzalez said.

The nurses also vaccinated a neighbor’s 7-year-old son.

According to the FDA, as of Oct. 31 the Pfizer vaccine is currently only suitable for children 12 and over. Since that day the FDA has authorized for children between the ages of five and 11 to receive a 10-microgram dose, rather than the standard 30.

On Monday, Gonzalez received a call from the city, alerting him that his son should not have received the vaccine, and that his jab was three times over the recommended dose. more

7 Comments on Texas Nurses Vaccinated Children Without Proper Authorization

  1. No filter in my typing toes: Let me guess, one was brown and one was black and one was named Karen and she weighed 285?

    I could be wrong of course…. prolly need ta get back on da filtered toes.

  2. We are almost a year into these shots and even with censorship everyone I know knows someone that has had a reaction to these shots and hardly anyone knows someone that died from Covid so why you would ever think to give it to your kid today is beyond me.

  3. Remember, kids have strokes too ya know. Well, at least they do now.

    Off topic: VA hematology appt went great and no mention of or any vax coercion which surprised me.

  4. Time to get personal on those two “nurses”. Lawsuits, whoopass……..

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